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New HBO series Game of Thrones

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Discipline - 2-21-2013 at 06:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lifeisabitch  
thanks man I might put them up in the store later tonight
we need to find a better shipping option to Canada
the us post is charging 20.00 for priority mail now
maybe I'll send it by raven

I saw that when I was looking at the Smartees site last week. A little too procey for shipping. Isn't there a cheaper (likely slower) option?

lifeisabitch - 2-21-2013 at 07:38 PM

that is the cheapest option now
no tracking and can take anywhere for a week to 3 months for delivery

Discipline - 2-22-2013 at 12:52 PM


Jason the Magnificent - 2-23-2013 at 08:42 AM

Jason the Magnificent - 3-22-2013 at 03:59 PM

This months Rolling Stone, interview with a show writer and specifics on this seasons relation to the content of Book 3.

[Laughs] So far, the basic battle plan for the show has been "one season = one book." This year, for the first time, you'll be stopping well short of the conclusion of the volume in question. Why?

Well, A Storm of Swords is a massive volume, and it seemed like it would be shortchanging it to try to cram it into ten episodes. There are some huge scenes in that book, and I'm not just talking about action or VFX heavy stuff, though there's plenty of that. There are tons of emotionally charged, game-changing character moments, all of which have huge ramifications going forward. I think it was felt that if we piled too many of those moments on top of each other, they would lose some of their impact.

And it should be noted: We're taking the approach, from now on, that this TV series is one big adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, so elements from any of the books could show up in any given season, if that's what is required. That said, essentially, Season Three is about half of A Storm of Swords.

Read more:
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BDx13 - 3-22-2013 at 04:53 PM

winter is coming.

DaveMoral - 3-22-2013 at 07:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  

And it should be noted: We're taking the approach, from now on, that this TV series is one big adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, so elements from any of the books could show up in any given season

That's pretty much what they have to do now, since Book 4 and Book 5 happen simultaneously for the most part. Season 3 and 4 takes care of A Storm of Swords, and A Feast For Crows and A Dance With Dragons can be mixed together for Season 5 and 6, while trimming the fat that made me catatonic in AFFC, and hopefully GRRM will get his shit in gear and finish the series.

Jason the Magnificent - 4-1-2013 at 07:49 AM

Well that was about as perfect as a first episode can be considering they had to reintroduce 73 different people again to the TV audience.

Only real complaints are:

1. The Battle at the Fist being omitted, understand why...but that was a horrific brutal engagement that added a lot to the gravity of how nasty the others were. Felt cheapened by not at least showing some portions or some flashbackss of it, and turning it into a look dudes we're here and bloody. Plus, Sam and the the hell would anyone know he's supposed to send out the Ravens...last we saw he was hiding by a rock.

2. Them not being clear that Dany DID understand what Kraznys was saying.

BDx13 - 4-1-2013 at 09:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  
Well that was about as perfect as a first episode can be considering they had to reintroduce 73 different people again to the TV audience.

Only real complaints are:

1. The Battle at the Fist being omitted, understand why...but that was a horrific brutal engagement that added a lot to the gravity of how nasty the others were. Felt cheapened by not at least showing some portions or some flashbackss of it, and turning it into a look dudes we're here and bloody. Plus, Sam and the the hell would anyone know he's supposed to send out the Ravens...last we saw he was hiding by a rock.

2. Them not being clear that Dany DID understand what Kraznys was saying.

as someone who never read the books, i didn't miss any of that.

1. is that the point when the other guys from the night's watch turn up out of nowhere and save the fat hapless dude? they're all bloody and what not, but i thought the last time we saw them was when they were back at the wall?

2. previous to this, either Daenerys or Mormont have been able to understand the language of the different people they met up with, so i was surprised to see the translator. in the book she could understand that dude? it was absolutely not played out that way.

Jason the Magnificent - 4-1-2013 at 10:39 AM

1. is that the point when the other guys from the night's watch turn up out of nowhere and save the fat hapless dude? they're all bloody and what not, but i thought the last time we saw them was when they were back at the wall?

<-- yes, in a nutshell there is a brutal battle with white walkers, others, zombie bears...Sam pissing himself setting a couple ravens loose and accidentally freeing the others w/ no messages attached to them and basically a horrific massacre in the snow crippling the Watch. Sam actually stabs one, almost on accident w/ one of those Dragonglass daggers they found, earning the name 'Sam the Slayer'.

What we were treated to was Others/Walkers showing up last season...Sam hiding by a rock...all of them somehow ignoring Sam and then massacring half the Watch in the time it took for Sam to run back.

So without knowing all that was wouldn't miss "it" but you miss a lot. I know they cant show every battle...they'd go broke...but a couple quick flashed sceces of people dying would make a lot more sense than 40 guys showing up with bloody foreheads.

2. previous to this, either Daenerys or Mormont have been able to understand the language of the different people they met up with, so i was surprised to see the translator. in the book she could understand that dude? it was absolutely not played out that way.[/rquote]

<---right...she knows what he's saying but he doesn't know that she can understand all the name calling and whore accusations and ridiculing. Again...this may be something that probably doesn't ever need to be included in the show...just a minor nitpick. it could also be revealed to some benefit later though.

BDx13 - 4-1-2013 at 04:57 PM


1. you're right, they never really explained what happened to sam after his encounter at the end of last season. and the appearance of that second group (and their bloody foreheads) was totally unexplained.

2. they may still work her understanding of their language back in as she negotiates for the soldiers.

Vanilla Gorilla - 4-7-2013 at 10:56 PM

Glad they finally did some more with Brotherhood without banners, but Thoros isn't what I would have cast him as. I was wondering how they were gonna work in the Reed's glad they are now in it.

They made another reference to the Tower of Joy, they never went into much detail in the books about it other then then some short dialogue and how Howland somehow saved Eddard's life. If its not gonna be in the book I wish they would fina a way to put it in a scene

Jason the Magnificent - 4-8-2013 at 12:41 PM

I didn't mind Thoros...too early to tell how he'll end up.

Reeds were nice, ToJ reference was welcome...we're not going to get any more info on the events there other than the existing dialogue until (if) Howland Reed is actually in the story. I'm sure all the play Lyanna's promise from Ned has gotten has to be revealed at some point...assuming they're saving Reed for that.

Nice seeing Theon and Reek.

Could definitely have done without the added Catelyn monologe.

Robb has been turned into a total Twighlight/heart throb pussy. Hopefully the Tully's and Riverrun help make him more of a sympathetic character or I'll be having a hurry up RW party.

Vanilla Gorilla - 4-8-2013 at 08:33 PM

looking forward to the next episode with the unsullied. some of the storyline in the later books was kind of boring but Barristan Selmy is now in play so thats always good

Jason the Magnificent - 4-9-2013 at 07:02 AM

I think the Unsullied "event" is episode 4, so this week may be the bartering/deal portion.

Jason the Magnificent - 4-15-2013 at 07:59 AM


Stannis looks like a little bitch...but maybe they have a point to that...eventually?

Other than that, holy shit.

BDx13 - 4-15-2013 at 06:32 PM

great episode.
love that i get to watch Vikings immediately afterward.

Vanilla Gorilla - 4-15-2013 at 08:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BDx13  
great episode.
love that i get to watch Vikings immediately afterward.

Jason the Magnificent - 4-16-2013 at 06:16 AM

Is that show any good? I saw a making of/trailer thing before a movie and it looked like it was a Lifetime Channel movie about Vikings...

Vanilla Gorilla - 4-16-2013 at 10:04 AM

I was suprised that it is actually good. I don't know if it is something that will last for a long time.

Vanilla Gorilla - 4-16-2013 at 11:48 AM

DaveMoral - 4-16-2013 at 04:53 PM

That took me so off guard last night. Hahaha. I thought that someone was fucking with me.

Vanilla Gorilla - 4-16-2013 at 07:21 PM

i think its funny people are complaining about it. saying it shouldn't be a modern version of a song. I liked how it contrasted and who the fuck wants to hear a lute. People take their nerdery way to far with this show, but thats probably true with anything based on books. I read the books and liked them but i don't need everything to feel like it was exactly out of the book.

BDx13 - 4-16-2013 at 09:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  
Is that show any good? I saw a making of/trailer thing before a movie and it looked like it was a Lifetime Channel movie about Vikings...

i can see where you'd get that - in part because it's on the history channel and in part because those behind that scenes footage is goofy. i was totally skeptical going in, what with the goofy history channel billboards all over nyc.

but my wife wanted to watch it and i'm glad i gave it a chance. awesome double header on sunday nights!

Jason the Magnificent - 4-17-2013 at 07:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Vanilla Gorilla  
i think its funny people are complaining about it. saying it shouldn't be a modern version of a song. I liked how it contrasted and who the fuck wants to hear a lute. People take their nerdery way to far with this show, but thats probably true with anything based on books. I read the books and liked them but i don't need everything to feel like it was exactly out of the book.

I thought that was great. That was such a huge moment. Some introspective lute passage afterwards would have been nothing. But you got a one two punch there. Jaime's loss and then BAM that song. I know people dont want the show to "belong" to anyone but them but this show is huge and the writers/producers clearly having fun making it.

Maybe these people never bitched about Sid Vicious at the end of Goodfellas?

Of course most people in the fan forums have such a tremendous stick up their ass having a "modern song" is inexcusable...taking them out of the moment...even though the synth song during the beginning credits and every other end credit song using electric instruments never gets a mention.

I love the books and show and frequent a lot of those forums make me feel like less of a nerd when I see people stroke out about shit like Roose Boltons wrong eye color ruing their immersion.

I think forums and Facebook in general give too many lame people opinions.

Jason the Magnificent - 5-6-2013 at 10:22 AM

Well, I think we can safely say that we’re not getting the full 3rd book this season now, thankfully.

Overall it’s been pretty damn good. Some stuff I’m not fond of like the Blackfish coming off as a bully towards Edmure…and the huge waste of time on shit like Meera and Osha bickering when at this point theyre not even together in the books. There’s not much story to tell w/ Bran right now…but wasting what there is on non existent content…

Some of the show created content, or characters who have been beefed up from the books have worked though. Olenna Tyrell has been amazing. The Thoros of Myr extra stuff has been stellar. Loving seeing what happened behind the scenes in the books to Theon…even though I’m amazed people haven’t picked up on who his captor is yet with all the extremely blatant hints they’ve been dropping.

The Hound vs Beric was classic…even if they left out arguably one of the best one liners in the entire book from the Hound before the fight.

Dany’s story has even been moving along nicely. 3 more episodes and shits about to get real.

BDx13 - 5-7-2013 at 06:30 PM

i'm enjoying the shit outta the show. never read the books, so no point of comparison.

Emma Peel (Olenna Tyrell) is highly entertaining.

NO idea who Theon's captor is.

the dragon story line is definitely the least interesting to me at the moment. i get it. and i expect it has potential, but right now it's not doing much for me. except for the fat guy in the north with the woman the newborn. not interested.

DaveMoral - 5-18-2013 at 09:09 PM


Jason the Magnificent - 5-19-2013 at 01:57 AM

...It rhymes with...who stole the Northern Bannermen!

BDx13 - 5-20-2013 at 10:14 PM

SO many simultaneous story lines!

Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  
...It rhymes with...who stole the Northern Bannermen!

hahaha, man i have to google half the shit you guys post as it is just so i can keep everything straight!

JawnDiablo - 5-21-2013 at 06:14 AM

hahaha, man i have to google half the shit you guys post as it is just so i can keep everything straight![/rquote]

man I watch this show every week and I can't keep any of it straight.
My girl is like what can't you remember? I'm like, well...the plot?

I might have to break down and read the story line online.

DaveMoral - 5-21-2013 at 06:34 AM

Don't spoil yourself. You just need a character guide.

Jason the Magnificent - 5-21-2013 at 06:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BDx13  
SO many simultaneous story lines!

Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  
...It rhymes with...who stole the Northern Bannermen!

hahaha, man i have to google half the shit you guys post as it is just so i can keep everything straight!

lol...I'm just grumpy because they've reduced Robb's army to his mom and two Uncles.

Discipline - 5-21-2013 at 11:37 AM

I love the show so much. Not too many shows out there these days that I NEED to see. I hope it makes it until the end of the book series.

Jason the Magnificent - 5-21-2013 at 12:10 PM

I have a feeling the show will complete the story well before the books do. This show is a cash cow for HBO...that doesn't mean they'll let it run forever but I bet the get a solid 7-8 seasons out of it....that's 8 seasons would be 5 years from now....there's no way GRRM gets 2 more books out in 5 years. I figure the next book is out in maybe 2 even if the last book (book 7) does come out 2 years after that...some stuff from that "book" is going to be on screen before its in print plot wise.

I know that the guy has a life....but this is way beyond that, this, whether he likes it or not is his life's great work. He's going to be remembered for this more than anything annoys the piss out of me that he's got time for 200 appearances a year, producing other HBO shows, writing reviews of movies on his blog etc etc. He needs to get crackin.

Discipline - 5-21-2013 at 07:42 PM

He does seem to take his time.

lifeisabitch - 6-2-2013 at 11:35 PM

Fuck Fuck Fuck, and I knew it was coming

MikeFromInhuman - 6-3-2013 at 01:04 AM

Seeing it play out was DEVASTATING.
Scumbag Fray's and Bolton's.

BDx13 - 6-3-2013 at 08:55 PM

they are not afraid of mixing up the cast of characters on this show.

JawnDiablo - 6-3-2013 at 09:30 PM

I fell asleep per usual......I am old

Discipline - 6-12-2013 at 12:12 AM

Just got caught up on the last two episodes for this season and I was blown away. So glad I didn't read the books first for once. That shit was fucking crazy. I had thought something might happen because Robb broke his promise to Fray, but that was fucking nuts. It's going to suck having to wait forever for the next season.

Jason the Magnificent - 6-13-2013 at 07:40 AM

Yes it will...and the north remembers.

Discipline - 6-13-2013 at 11:44 AM

I'm sure they will, and I look forward to it.

Jason the Magnificent - 6-13-2013 at 12:30 PM

The only real problem I had with this season (I've mentioned it to some extent previously) was the utter absence of northern lords as related to the Red Wedding. I'm sure some of this will be explained away later on when needed in a few lines of dialogue...but as horrific as their deaths were, Robb and Cat and a few nameless extras didn't have the same impact as almost every northern house having their lord either captured or killed.

Robbs army, unfortunately, seemed to consist of his mom and two uncles, with Roose on the loose off in Harrenhal working on his business. Everyone died in the RW in the books, but people were fighting with everything they had to save just felt cheapened (and I LOVED the shows translation). Dozens of northern houses were betrayed by House Bolton and left a lot of people pissed off and the Frey's lost the respect of basically everyone in the realm for their violation of guest rights.

I guess they have to leave it somewhat ambiguous, as by the time some or any of the related storylines come to pass (if they do come to pass in the show translation) they may have had to recast the actor 5 times.

I know they have limited resources, but they even cast one of them, Wendel Manderly (fat guy with handle bar mustache and no lines, looking drunk) and no one but a book reader would ever have any idea who he is...we could have literally spent 1 extra minute in each Robb scene introducing a few other people, even if they did end up casualties.

The episodes were reportedly going to be longer this season, but they all still fell into the 55 minute region.

Discipline - 6-14-2013 at 01:19 AM

It may sound silly, but I'm just really glad that Arya is still alive and kicking. I love the character and I can't wait to see what happens with her. I've made it a point with this series to not read the books ahead of the show. When the show came out I was hooked straight away, but instead of reading ahead I've read the first two books after the season aired, since normally I'm disappointed when a book I enjoy is filmed for a movie or TV show. I'm dying to see what happens, so I may have to read ahead now.

Jason the Magnificent - 6-14-2013 at 08:00 AM

Yeah there's quite a few major events still going to happen from book 3 next reading that would definitely spoil season 4...I wouldn't have the patience to wait myself, lol.

Book 4 is good, but it introduces a whole slew of new characters (he split book 4 & 5 up between regions rather than dividing it in half chronologically). So in book 4 you get 30% of the existing characters and 70% of "new" ones and book 5 is the opposite of that.

Interested to see how all that is streamlined into the shows.

DaveMoral - 6-17-2013 at 05:33 AM

This may sound silly but.... the way the seemingly mindless brown slaves started worshipping Danearys was the most racist shit I have ever seen on TV.

Jason the Magnificent - 6-17-2013 at 12:55 PM

What color should they have been to not offend our delicate sensibilities?

JawnDiablo - 6-17-2013 at 03:46 PM

I fell asleep before I could get offended......

Discipline - 6-17-2013 at 05:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by DaveMoral  
This may sound silly but.... the way the seemingly mindless brown slaves started worshipping Danearys was the most racist shit I have ever seen on TV.

She gave them freedom, why wouldn't they love her? Nobody HAD to join her, it was their own decision. Plus, she has dragons. I would want to stay on her good side in that situation.

DaveMoral - 6-17-2013 at 08:48 PM

For real? You don't see the inherent racist bullshit in a white savior being worshipped by a bunch of brown people?

lifeisabitch - 6-18-2013 at 12:46 AM

and the show isn't misogynist, or homophobic either...
maybe you present issues to spur discussion especially in a semi historical sense...
all of these issues did and have existed.
if you think that scene was racist maybe it was built that way so people question the idea of a white savior,
but can there be discussion of topics without such hostility and anger

yeah it's racist, ok so now what boycott it
making a female child marry without her consent never happens anymore, oh wait it does a lot.
but is the show glorifying it or are they spurring discussion,
should art challenge or just be so pc that issues get swept under the rug.

because GOT is the only show with racism on television.
and true blood has nothing to do with bigotry against homosexuals.

if people didn't get so easily bent out of shape and were able to talk more with an even keel maybe there wouldn't be half the issues.

DaveMoral - 6-18-2013 at 05:53 AM

First of all, you guys are projecting a lot of your own issues on me. My commentary is merely that that was literally the most racist bit of television in decades. And that's including the news media. And it wasn't presented in any manner other than "yay! extremely white, Aryan, girl saves all the poor helpless brown people" and said brown people were presented as little more than primitive humans who could barely speak.

It's the whole theme of the white savior magnified tenfold, without any sense of critique. Hell, it's the entire cultural thrust of the Euro-American worldview since the colonial era distilled into a scene that was all of 5 minutes long.

If there's any hostility and anger coming out in relation to this scene, it isn't from me. All I did was point it out, with a wry grin.

JawnDiablo - 6-18-2013 at 06:11 AM

dragon mama needs her eyebrows waxed......just saying

Jason the Magnificent - 6-18-2013 at 08:39 AM

I'm not arguing that the scene could be seen as "racist", if you're looking for it. Still didn't answer the question of what color they should have been though.

There's been plenty of discussion elsewhere on how the characters/cast on this show have been Anglo-ized in comparison with the books, with the exception of Sallador and he who cannot be spelled in Quarth, one would believe that whole universe is pasty white.

Unfortunately that results in one of the rare instances of a different looking culture being inserted into the show, also turning into a convenient vehicle for white guilt.

As far as the whole primitive humans thing, you're really stretching that there...the people are oppressed slaves speaking a different language entirely...were they supposed to sit down with Dany in a coffee shop and have some quasi intelligent Tarantino dialogue for 40 minutes?

Jason the Magnificent - 6-18-2013 at 08:48 AM

And the Dothraki were just as brown as the Yunkish...out of curiosity, how was the Aryan girl being sold into sex slavery to them perceived?

JawnDiablo - 6-18-2013 at 09:34 AM

they're probably all CGI so they're not even people after all..

and it is make believe.

Discipline - 6-18-2013 at 10:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DaveMoral  
First of all, you guys are projecting a lot of your own issues on me. My commentary is merely that that was literally the most racist bit of television in decades. And that's including the news media. And it wasn't presented in any manner other than "yay! extremely white, Aryan, girl saves all the poor helpless brown people" and said brown people were presented as little more than primitive humans who could barely speak.

It's the whole theme of the white savior magnified tenfold, without any sense of critique. Hell, it's the entire cultural thrust of the Euro-American worldview since the colonial era distilled into a scene that was all of 5 minutes long.

If there's any hostility and anger coming out in relation to this scene, it isn't from me. All I did was point it out, with a wry grin.

I understand what you're saying, I just think you're reading too much into it. If I were to analyze the show in terms of race, I would guess that the overwhelming majority of the characters are white because of who is making the show. The show is being produced by HBO, an American company company. The population of the US is made up of many people, but in terms of percentages the country is still mostly white. Therefore, I think a lot of people might say it makes sense that HBO is going to cast in this way based solely on who the potential audiences are. That's how I see it anyway. I don't think it was done that way to show white superiority.

DaveMoral - 6-18-2013 at 05:22 PM

The majority of the cast is white because GRRM's world is white. I'd argue most of the Dothraki were not non-white people at all, and they were depicted as mostly a bunch of grunting savages from the start.

The fact of Dany and the Yunkish slaves doesn't bother me in as much as the construction of the scene itself does. After all, I read the book and it didn't strike me as particularly racially problematic. It's the whole crowd surfing, pilgrimage to Mecca vibe at the conclusion of the scene.

Vanilla Gorilla - 6-19-2013 at 03:40 PM

this seems like trying to find a problem with something for the sake of it

JawnDiablo - 6-19-2013 at 06:10 PM

I've been somebody's white assed honky slave for the last 20 years one way or another.....

BDx13 - 6-20-2013 at 09:50 PM

i completely understand your point, dave. but i was far more offended by this:

BDx13 - 6-20-2013 at 09:50 PM

Jason the Magnificent - 6-21-2013 at 07:47 AM

Holy derailment, Batman...season 4 hurry up and save this thread.

DaveMoral - 6-21-2013 at 07:49 AM

Oh boy....
Perhaps I'm more offended by the Yunkai liberation scene because of the appropriation of Hajj-like imagery.

Discipline - 6-21-2013 at 10:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DaveMoral  
Oh boy....
Perhaps I'm more offended by the Yunkai liberation scene because of the appropriation of Hajj-like imagery.

I think a far better example of racism in Hollywood was having Tom Cruise be "The Last Samurai." I enjoyed many aspects of the movie, but that ending both pissed me off and offended me at the same time.

BDx13 - 6-21-2013 at 11:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by DaveMoral  
Oh boy....
Perhaps I'm more offended by the Yunkai liberation scene because of the appropriation of Hajj-like imagery.

like i said, i definitely get where you're coming from.

Quote: Originally posted by Discipline  

I think a far better example of racism in Hollywood was having Tom Cruise be "The Last Samurai." I enjoyed many aspects of the movie, but that ending both pissed me off and offended me at the same time.

such a fucking utterly ridiculous premise. was cruise meant to be the last samauri or watanabe?

Quote: Originally posted by Jason the Magnificent  
Holy derailment, Batman...season 4 hurry up and save this thread.


SHAKO KEN - 6-21-2013 at 04:02 PM

White people usually prefer if a movie about another culture has a white protagonist to identify with. Think Dances with wolves, Amistad, Last Samurai. It's probably a combination of white guilt and xenophobia.
As for the GOT end scene, i also didn't like the mindlessness and thought it was a silly image. Don't know if they got their inspiration from the Hajj or maybe the Balinese kecak dance.

Voodoobillyman - 7-13-2013 at 09:55 AM

Dave still fighting the good fight :) I must say though, Even though I had read the series and knew it was coming, that Red Wedding scene was still tense as all hell! What a great adaptation, I love this show

barc0debaby - 7-13-2013 at 12:36 PM

They were in the desert. Pasty white people tend not to live in the desert. Therefore slaves are mostly brown.

barc0debaby - 9-9-2013 at 12:53 PM

So I'm watching some strongman competitions and see this fear inducing man by the name of Hafthor Bjornsson. Old Hafthor measures in at a stout 6'9", 419lbs. Throw his name in the google search and turns out Hafthor is officially the new Mountain that Rides.

Jason the Magnificent - 9-9-2013 at 01:12 PM

Yes, thankfully. So now we've went from:


To this:

To this:

Ian Whytes voice was cool....but dude was way too skinny (most people probably didn't even know who he was supposed to be in season 2)...if they couldn't get Conan Stevens back this guy is a great choice...because this....

HAS to be perfect, or I'll lose my mind.

Jason the Magnificent - 9-9-2013 at 01:16 PM

Daario Naharis has also been recast from last season. He's now being played by the doper from Treme.

Jason the Magnificent - 9-9-2013 at 01:20 PM

Also this was that dude 6 years ago...crazy transformation:

BDx13 - 9-9-2013 at 07:48 PM

they can't keep switching actors up on me like this. i don't know characters by name, only sight!

Jason the Magnificent - 1-10-2014 at 01:50 PM

Holy gif...the Red Viper vs the Mountain...straight shitting myself on geek overload.

Discipline - 1-10-2014 at 08:16 PM

I think April is starting to feel really far away. Can't wait for the season to start.

DaveMoral - 1-12-2014 at 05:58 PM

Red Viper has obviously been training at Shaolin Temple.

Jason the Magnificent - 1-13-2014 at 07:22 AM

House Martell ain't nuthin ta fuck with.

Jason the Magnificent - 2-10-2014 at 01:46 PM

Basically this...

BDx13 - 2-10-2014 at 11:01 PM

^ woah.

Discipline - 3-5-2014 at 11:59 PM

I've been going through the first three seasons in anticipation of the new season and it still amazes me to see how much they manage to squeeze into each one. I'm glad that for once in my life I haven't read the books first so there is no need to draw comparisons between the two mediums. That being said, it's bloody hard to resist the urge to read them so I can find out what happens.

Jason the Magnificent - 3-6-2014 at 10:37 AM

We're still up in the air as book readers too, lol. Just a little further along in our suspension.

You are doing yourself a disservice though not reading the books, at least the ones you've already seen on HBO. As amazing as the show is, the books are better.

At this point I'm almost positive I'm going to see the end of the story on HBO before I read it on the page. While this season is primarily book 3 sprinkled with book 4 elements, they're already dipping into book 5 storylines for a couple characters like idea what they do with him in season 5 since he potentially wont have anything written yet.

GRRM needs to hurry the fuck up.

Discipline - 3-6-2014 at 12:53 PM

I read the first two books after watching their respective seasons. I thought they were amazing, and when comparing them to the show I thought HBO did a damn good job. The books are always better, but at least the show has been a quality representation of the story. I just really want the new season to start so I can see how the third book finishes up. My question is this, does it seem strange that season four will also take plot points from books four and five? I'm just wondering if it will mess with the chronology.

Jason the Magnificent - 3-6-2014 at 01:48 PM

Yes, it's going to big time. I don't know if it's good or bad in the long run. I'll make this un-spoilery as possible with no actual events or people.

A few characters from book 3 that didn't make it into season 3 will appear in 4.

Several reoccurring characters from season three have exhausted their book 3 material.

Book 4 and book 5 run concurrent with each other but book 4 deals with plots from characters/plot lines A, B & C and Book 5 deals with characters/plot lines D, E & F. he separated things geographically.

That would be a huge problem for the show since several "main" characters would disappear for a whole "book". So in order to keep them on the show they're pushing their book 5 DEF stuff forward. And honestly their book 5 stuff is going to be hard to stretch without adding in some of the bit parts and side characters.

Theres way more than enough story lines going on to keep the ABC people busy for 3 seasons while we wait for GRRM, but by next season a couple DEF characters are all going to be out of pages. And I dont believe people have the attention span to stretch out the ABC stuff as far as the'd be 12 seasons.

Discipline - 3-6-2014 at 06:43 PM

That sounds problematic. Hopefully they spent some quality time plotting it all out. I just hope Tyrion, Dany and Arya don't disappear too much.

Jason the Magnificent - 3-12-2014 at 11:40 AM

Producers saying 7 seasons now to EW. A lot of stuff is going to be cut and definitely done before the books. Sucks.

Discipline - 3-12-2014 at 01:40 PM

As long as I get to stare at this gorgeous creature, there will always be hope that they don't completely fuck up the story-lines. Looks great on the show as a blond, but is a perfect 10 as a brunette.

Jason the Magnificent - 3-18-2014 at 08:30 AM

The only real crime is that they've PG'd up her Essos clothing, like her dresses (I think in Qarth...but here storyline is kind of a blur) where it only covers one breast.

DaveMoral - 3-22-2014 at 07:59 PM

From what I understand, the actress put her foot down and so "no more nude scenes."

Discipline - 3-23-2014 at 11:48 AM


BDx13 - 4-24-2014 at 11:37 AM

This is SO awesomely nerdy:

‘Game of Thrones’ meets Google in interactive map of Westeros

Don’t know your Westeros from your elbow? A “Game of Thrones” map, built by a fan using Google Maps technology, aims to change that by letting people roam around the land from the hit TV series.

It’s an interactive map, so you can zoom in and out for a closer look at Winterfell, King’s Landing and the like. The whole of the Westeros continent and surroundings are shown, from The Land of Always Winter in the north, to the Red Waste in the east.

But there’s more to it than that. A slider lets you set the map for a specific program episode or — for the more literary — a chapter from the “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels the show is based on. Now select Joffrey Baratheon, Jaime Lannister or any other character, to show exactly where they were at that point – or click through the episodes to track their journey. There’s a host of other features — towns, domains, death sites — to explore, too.

It’s a labor of love by member Carpediem, who started building it in 2012, basing it on earlier maps by fellow fans serMountainGoat and Tear.

“All together, this adds up to quite a lot of information on one map. That’s where you all come in. I haven’t even finished reading the books once through, so I’m sure I made a few mistakes,” Carpediem said in an online post, asking for corrections and suggestions.

Of course, Time Warner’s TWX -0.17% HBO show isn’t anywhere near the end of its tale of medieval-style death and dominion yet, so the map is naturally not complete. Plus, the books are a bit sketchy on some geographic details, and the TV show differs significantly from its source novels sometimes. And for copyright reasons, its maker steered clear of the official George R. R. Martin map book.

But even so, a bit of Google-style knight errantry is a lot of fun, even for those who don’t dream of Daenerys and dragons. Here’s the link to the map: Dive in.

Discipline - 4-24-2014 at 12:36 PM

That's cool as hell. Also, the new season is kicking some ass.

Jason the Magnificent - 4-24-2014 at 12:58 PM

It's been great. My only real complaints are they're totally butchering Stannis' character and Littlefingers voice changes keep getting weirder and weirder. It's like he's possessed by Christian Bales Batman.

Discipline - 4-24-2014 at 02:14 PM

Even having not read the books, I think it's obvious that there was likely more going on with Stannis than we're seeing on the show. It's a shame because I really like his character.

Jason the Magnificent - 4-24-2014 at 06:31 PM

Actually at this point there's less. They're inventing a bunch of shit to try and keep him in the show and fresh in peoples minds for later events.

The problem is he would have never burned people for being "infidels". He burned his brother in law because he was a traitor and tried brokering a deal with Tywin for peace marrying Stannis' daughter to Tommen Baratheon. He wouldn't be chasing Mel around for tail either, shes a tool for him...but he's not some religious zealot, shes a means to his end. Theres a very clear divide between "Kings men" (Stannis followers) and "Queens men" (followers of his wife and her religion). Plus this new storyline where Davos is writing the Iron Bank...we'll see where that goes, but Stannis would never beg for aid.

Just a lot of little nit-picky things besides that. Dude is cold as ice and they're kind of turning him into tool. Dude has Stannis' demeanor down cold though, I love the actor.

BDx13 - 4-24-2014 at 07:23 PM

When I read Lord of the Rings (even as a kid), I thought the books gave a good sense of the scale of Middle Earth. The descriptions of the lands and different people/species they'd encounter, the amount of time spent traveling, etc, all gave a the reader the sense that this journey was a massive undertaking.

I've not read GOT, so I have no idea if that sense of scale is evident in the books.

But based on the show, I have no idea where people are from, where they're going or how they're getting there. All I know is that the WALL separates EVERYTHING from WINTER. I mean, what desert is Daenerys Targaryen wandering around in with all these slaves and dragons and where is everyone else while she's doing it??

Jason the Magnificent - 4-24-2014 at 10:03 PM

That's the problem with the show mainly is there's way too much going on in way too many places with way too many people...and you can not condense it down into a logical story...they're doing a good job. It's just voluminous.

The books are the exact opposite...there's often so much detail that you end up getting lost in them and forget what plot line things may be related to and have to go back and re-read things. The third book alone which is primarily what the last two seasons come from is 200 pages longer than the ENTIRE Lord of the Rings trilogy. And that's one book of five. There rest aren't much shorter.

I cant imagine for a non book reader how confusing it has to be, hopefully everyone at least enjoying it for what it is.

And Dany is far east right now @ Mereen, near Slavers Bay

DaveMoral - 5-2-2014 at 04:46 PM

Basically just follow the map at the beginning of each episode to get a sense of where, if not distance. Dany is across the sea in the city with the pyramid.

Vanilla Gorilla - 5-3-2014 at 03:24 PM

waiting anxiously for the appearance of the mountain that rides but the scene I want probably will be put at the end of the season (trying not to ruin it for those that don't know)
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