Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

The Dark Knight fucking RULED!!! (no spoilers)

Discipline - 7-18-2008 at 03:09 AM

I went to a midnight screening at the drive-in tonight. I won't spoil it for anybody, but in my opinion it's the best comic book-based movie EVER!!!! I knew Heath Ledger was going to be good, but he blew me away. His portryal of the Joker was one of the finest movie performances I've ever seen. From start to finish this movie was amazing and, as good as Batman Begins was, this blew it away. This was leaps and bounds above Batman Begins.

skullfuck - 7-18-2008 at 06:52 AM

does he fly? i like it when batman flies in the air.

Dave - 7-18-2008 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Discipline
I went to a midnight screening at the drive-in tonight. I won't spoil it for anybody, but in my opinion it's the best comic book-based movie EVER!!!! I knew Heath Ledger was going to be good, but he blew me away. His portryal of the Joker was one of the finest movie performances I've ever seen. From start to finish this movie was amazing and, as good as Batman Begins was, this blew it away. This was leaps and bounds above Batman Begins.

he was fucking wicked as the Joker....... They way the Joker is suppose to be, fucking nuts.........

Jason the Magnificent - 7-18-2008 at 02:14 PM

Second best movie of all time next to GF I.

clevohardcore - 7-18-2008 at 03:29 PM

Originally posted by skullfuck
does he fly? i like it when batman flies in the air.

^^^^^^^^ Sorry guys, I know he isn't liked around here but this post was funny. Nice one.

xChino_Martinezx - 7-18-2008 at 09:59 PM

for what you guys say, it sounds as awesome as I expect it to be... hopefully going to see it next weekend... just can't wait to see this...

tireironsaint - 7-18-2008 at 10:25 PM

Just got back and it was awesome. The Joker is perfect and this movie is much more brutal than I would have expected even knowing that they were going for that.

XHonusWagnerX - 7-19-2008 at 12:15 AM

I just got back and I liked it, but not as much as everyone else seemed to.

I have some questions, but Ill wait until more people/most people have seen it just incase it spoils anything.

Discipline - 7-19-2008 at 01:09 AM

How can you have questions????????????????????????????? This is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

Voodoobillyman - 7-19-2008 at 12:57 PM

I just can't buy into all this ledger martyr crap going on in the media, fucking junky OD'd. I'm sure he's really good as the Joker, but I hate this "Oscar worthy" performance bullshit and can't help but feel there wouldn't be half the hype around his performance had he not offed himself like the junky fuck he was. Fuck him, I saw much younger men with ten times more heart die in a place they didn't want to be but were anyway and no one in the media gives a fuck about them. I will go see this of course because I am a fanboy geek and I love Batman. Just pissed right now I guess, sorry blah!

Jason the Magnificent - 7-19-2008 at 01:01 PM

The media will always be sensationalists. This is something for them to latch onto as the story of the hour. If the media and their stories upset you you're going to be dosing more maalox than me.

That doesn't change the role he played. He was amazing.

Voodoobillyman - 7-19-2008 at 01:06 PM

Like I said, I am sure he was good as the Joker and I wouldn't let all the bullshit surrounding this flick stop me from seeing a really good movie. It just makes me angry is all. Yup, Maalox is my friend :)

XnMeX - 7-19-2008 at 06:31 PM

EPIC... There, thats my review.

SS76 - 7-20-2008 at 07:24 PM

Definately cool. Two face looked like the terminator.

ShawnRefuse - 7-20-2008 at 10:07 PM

It was pretty sick. I loved it and will probably now go see it in IMAX.

DaveMoral - 7-24-2008 at 02:47 AM

Loved it. Two-Face is as Two-Face should be.

I'll admit, I was a tad bit confused about the ending... seemed like there were sort of loose ends not tied, but maybe they were tied and that was it or they were deliberately left untied for the sequel that's supposed to be called "The Dark Knight Returns" which has been reported to be all Two-Face Dent...

Jason the Magnificent - 7-24-2008 at 05:51 AM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
the sequel that's supposed to be called "The Dark Knight Returns" which has been reported to be all Two-Face Dent...

I never seen this actually reported/rumored anywhere, and I frequent all the movie geek have a link?

Two Face being alive kind of ruins the entire ending of Dark Knight with Batman being Gothams scapegoat.

Dark Knight returns is also a famous Frank Miller Batman story of whom Nolan has has definitely been majorly influenced...but its centered around a female Robin. Bale has said he doesn't want to do a Batman film with Robin, that he'd "chain himself to his bed" or something of that nature. Not to Mention Batman is also like 60 in it, Superman and Joker both cameo and theres gangs of mutants.

DaveMoral - 7-24-2008 at 11:22 AM

I remember reading that on SHH! and other sites over two years ago. Hell, there was a wiki page for it too. All gone.

With Two-Face still alive it would only ruin Batman as Gotham's scapegoat if/when he returns to bring havoc to Batman's world. And, of course, Nolan could easily work elements of Miller's The Dark Knight Returns into a movie of the same name. I mean, Two-Face returns in DKR and so does Joker. You could have a Gotham hostile to Batman with the GCPD pursuing him constantly. There's no need to involve a Robin of any sort. The best part of Dent's return in DKR is that as Two-Face his involvement is secret until about half way through the thing. The Joker's "rehabilitation" and return obviously can't be done now.... but then again, that portion of DKR is almost half a movie in itself with the Two-Face part being a movie itself.

Besides, rumor has it that DC is looking to bring all its movies in-house now. Which likely means more continuity between films and characters. Plus there rumors of a Justice League movie in the works(curiously not involving Christian Bale as Batman, which would suck IMO). I'm just saying... Batman Begins had ample inspiration from Frank Miller's Batman Year One and DKR... there's no reason that DKR can't be more directly involved and adapted.

At any rate, that was the rumors I was reading 2 years ago.

xChino_Martinezx - 7-24-2008 at 11:32 AM

finally had the chance to go and see Batman yesterday: FUCK YES!!! one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time!!! loved it from begining to end... Batman is now definetively a favorite of mine...

Jason the Magnificent - 7-24-2008 at 12:54 PM

I suppose anything is possible but if thats from a couple years back thats before anyone that posts those wikis saw a final script and could have been total speculation because they heard Dent was going to be in it with the Joker and made the logical conclusion that he would be the villain in '3'.

I'd love to see more two face...just hoping that Nolan doesn't do a 'haha we really didn't kill him....he was just hurt and looked dead' type of thing. I think he's played both of these movies from too smart/realistic of an angle to do some Friday the 13th back from the dead type stuff.

I really think he should stop now. There no way he's ever going to top DK. It's just not happening. Unfortunately it's going to be a 300 million dollar cash cow the studio will get SOMEONE to make.

DaveMoral - 7-24-2008 at 10:41 PM

I think the could pull off a third. Batman as outlaw with Gotham calling for his head could be really interesting... which is why it makes sense to me to have Dent come back. I just don't buy that he's dead.

Either that or I want more Ra's al-Ghul and the League of Shadows. I'm glad they went that route in Begins.

Murk - 7-25-2008 at 01:22 AM

this was FUCKIN' GREAT.

even though the projector broke halfway through, we had to sit for around 6 minutes, they came in and apologized, it didn't start up where it broke down, then we got free passes on the way out.

this is definitely one to see in the theater.

Ledger's performance is unbelievable.

here's some video i took of the Tumbler & Batpod outside a big theater on Sunset.

if you have a fast internet connection, make sure you click the [watch in high quality] link just below the video, on the right.

morgan - 7-25-2008 at 05:06 AM

Just saw it tonight. Enjoyed the hell out of it. The pencil scene was great. Couldn't give a rats ass that Heath Ledger OD'd but I will say he did an amazing job as the Joker.