Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

the new Slapshot Bulldog shirt

XHonusWagnerX - 7-19-2008 at 10:07 AM

BD wanted to see a picture of it and I just took one. As far as people that want merch all I can suggest is watching because thast where they are suposed to sell the left overs.

Here it is....

BDx13 - 7-19-2008 at 10:26 AM

i like it.
still not posted on that site, though.

XHonusWagnerX - 7-19-2008 at 10:28 AM

there was a hoodie of it too and the one I had set aside ended up being sold :(

defstarsteve - 7-19-2008 at 12:52 PM

what is the website at the bottom?

XHonusWagnerX - 7-19-2008 at 04:41 PM

Originally posted by defstarsteve
what is the website at the bottom?

clevohardcore - 7-20-2008 at 03:03 AM


MikeCore - 7-20-2008 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by clevohardcore

tireironsaint - 7-20-2008 at 08:59 PM

I had one of the old ones many years ago and loved it. I'm pretty sure it was just a bootleg, but I loved the design. If this one turns up anywhere I might have to grab it too.

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 12:28 AM

man I'm sure hey got a great deal on the merch and they look great

MikeCore - 7-21-2008 at 03:23 AM

the web site is so small on the shirt I don't think any one would even notice it and wouldn't bother me, I just want the damn shirt :drool:

XHonusWagnerX - 7-21-2008 at 08:50 AM

I dont know if this makes it much better, but its not actually the website of the printers. Its the website of the people that designed the shirt. Thats actually a redrawn bulldog so its kind of done from scratsh. They just offer graphic art type stuff.

clevohardcore - 7-21-2008 at 12:34 PM

So is this shirt going to be available? If so and I am missing it let me know where.

gavin - 7-21-2008 at 12:44 PM

when i was in a band, the record label we dealt asked to put their logo on the back of some shirts we were making.
i said "ok, if you pay for the shirts"
then they said they would pay for half.
i said "nope"
we ended up agreeing when they said they would pay like 3/4 of the cost.

this has nothing to do with anything

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 12:59 PM

Ursprünglich verfasst von clevohardcore
So is this shirt going to be available? If so and I am missing it let me know where.

if i see that it´s available i let you all know. maybe i can make a big order and send them all together to the states.

MikeCore - 7-21-2008 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by panzerkreuzer
Ursprünglich verfasst von clevohardcore
So is this shirt going to be available? If so and I am missing it let me know where.

if i see that it´s available i let you all know. maybe i can make a big order and send them all together to the states.

Maybe!!!!???? Yes, you can :tumble:

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 03:34 PM

@ steve:
are you dealing with ? they sell the same wisdom in chains hoodie that i got from you.

jsinn - 7-21-2008 at 03:41 PM

it is a cool shirt...
regardless of shameless promotions by whomever...

I'd wear it...
but I wear shit off the hamper to work...


defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 03:48 PM

Originally posted by panzerkreuzer
@ steve:
are you dealing with ? they sell the same wisdom in chains hoodie that i got from you.

no we are no associated with them.

the band used them for their euro merch
it cost too much to ship over, so they used them to get some stuff...

have I ever mentioned how much I hate my job sometimes

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 04:26 PM

be proud of what you do, cause ragewear sells the worst quality i bought for a long time.
i´ll ever order my stuff from you if i can.

Mr. Hellbound - 7-21-2008 at 05:35 PM


This is Matzi ( from Vienna. First, sorry about my bad english, i'll try my best! I've designed this shirt (it's not my bulldog - thats correct) - all i have done, is to do my job - not more! I don't want win any customers with my "logo"!
I don't earn a lot of money for this design... im not proud to have under this design, but i do it... its commercial?:lol: sorry... im not the wholesaler of punkrock, or something else... i do my job, not more. and dickriding? i dont know, whos the owner of this bulldog... i dont know "slap shot" before... i dont know this bulldog. my job is, to redesign this bulldog, not more... i make my job, i get my little money and i spent my time with other things! everybody can contact me and can tell me - "... what the fuck is with your hellbound logo!" - nobody must use my logo - im not interested in digriding! if i want to get famous, i'll try to go an other way. no bandmember come to me and said "... hello, can you redesign my bulldog shirt?" - no, i have no contact with any member of this band and now i find a lot of comments about this design! whats the problem? today all is a problem. if you dont give your logo you are a looser, if you give your logo you are a looser. whats that time?

Thanx alot

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 05:52 PM

hi matzi,
ich sprech dir jetzt erstmal ein lob aus, das design ist dir echt gelungen, da werden mir hier alle zustimmen.nicht umsonst wollen einige das shirt haben.
muß ganz ehrlich sagen, dass ich die aufregeung um dein logo unter dem design nicht verstehe.viele künstler setzen ihre signatur in ihre designs, sei es seagrave, taggart oder wer auch immer.und das man mit solch einem design nicht reich wird dürfte hier auch jeder wissen.ich hoffe jedoch, dass steve sich noch äußern wird, warum ihn das so angpißt hat.
nichts für ungut.

XHonusWagnerX - 7-21-2008 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by panzerkreuzer
hi matzi,
ich sprech dir jetzt erstmal ein lob aus, das design ist dir echt gelungen, da werden mir hier alle zustimmen.nicht umsonst wollen einige das shirt haben.
muß ganz ehrlich sagen, dass ich die aufregeung um dein logo unter dem design nicht verstehe.viele künstler setzen ihre signatur in ihre designs, sei es seagrave, taggart oder wer auch immer.und das man mit solch einem design nicht reich wird dürfte hier auch jeder wissen.ich hoffe jedoch, dass steve sich noch äußern wird, warum ihn das so angpißt hat.
nichts für ungut.

Uh oh! hes talking in code! ;)

Mr. Hellbound - 7-21-2008 at 06:21 PM

Hi Roland!

Ich kann auch Leute verstehen, die sich "angepisst" fühlen, nur wo fängt man an, sich angepisst zu fühlen? Bei der Band, die den Designer gar nicht kennt? Beim Designer, der die Band gar nicht kennt, eine "Bulldogge" serviert bekommt mit der Bitte "... etwas mehr daraus zu machen?"
Dann lese ich hier "digriding" - "fishing for customers"? Im Zeitalter von Myspace und dergleichen hat man binnen Minuten einen Ruf, den man nicht so schnell wieder wegbekommt. Jeder der mich nur halbwegs kennt, weiß, daß ich mich sicherlich nicht mit fremden Federn schmücken möchte. Ich habe mir die letzten Jahre buchstäblich den Arsch für mein Studio aufgerissen, dabei eine Menge Geld, ein Studio und eine Wohnung in den Sand gesetzt, in der Hoffnung, einer "Szene" einen Gefallen zu machen. Ich habe immer versucht, ohne viel Werbung, ohne "Logo setzen" auszukommen.
Ich möchte mich hier nicht groß rechtfertigen und mir geht es auch nicht um die Designbeurteilung. Ich kann damit leben, daß meine Arbeiten nicht Jedermann Sache sind (ich zwinge auch keinen, bei mir entwerfen zu lassen) - aber ich lasse mich sicherlich nicht in einen Topf werfen mit all den falschen, geldgeilen "Szeneausbeutern"! (die wirklich über Leichen gehen) Ich krieche sicherlich niemanden in den Arsch und bin immer offen für ein faires - direktes Gespräch! Es ist heute verdammt schwierig, von der "Szene" zu leben. Einerseits mußt du dich anpassen, sonst bist du weg vom Fenster und andererseits willst du dir selbst treu bleiben und "Ja" ich kann mich in den Spiegel schauen und weiß, daß ich nicht mit billigen Marketingtricks arbeite! Nur um das ist es mir gegangen.
Beste Grüße aus Wien

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 06:22 PM

i just wrote him that he did a good job with the design and that i don´t understand the trouble for putting his signature under it.i mean every artist puts his sig under what he did, may it be sean taggart or someone else.had it been better if he wrote matzi instead of hellboundstudio?
i hope steve answers him why is so offended by using this sig. that´s all.

clevohardcore - 7-21-2008 at 06:27 PM

vienna sausage.


clevohardcore - 7-21-2008 at 06:28 PM


defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 06:30 PM

the shirt looks great, and thanks for doing it,

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 06:32 PM

du passt hier gut rein ins forum.die leute sehen das alles genauso wie du.
leider ist das mit dem internet heute wirklich so, dass jeder idiot ruckzuck gerüchte über einen in die welt setzen kann und man ewig braucht, um diese wieder aus der welt zu schaffen.deswegen ist es auch richtig, dass du dich hier zu wort meldest.wie hast du eigentlich davon mitbekommen?ich meine, dass forum hier ist ja nicht besonders groß un d wird auch nur von wenigen leuten besucht.hat mich doch etwas überrascht.
lass dich auf jeden fall nicht unnötig ansaugen und mach dein ding.ich find deine designs auf jeden fall gelungen.

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 06:33 PM

too bad I only got to german 3 in high school....
and that was 15 years ago...

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by defstarsteve
too bad I only got to german 3 in high school....
and that was 15 years ago...

Ha! I didn't get much further!
Lemme give it a try...

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 06:37 PM

Mr. Hellbound -
Ich bin traurig, dass mein Deutsch ist so schlecht.
Die Kunst auf Ihrer website ist sehr schön.

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 06:38 PM

sorry for that, but it´s easier to light up the thing for us when we talk in our language, sorry that our english is that bad.

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 06:40 PM

his site is good,
and my deustch is shitty as well..
I can read a little and still speak some, but i haven't had a conversation partner in 12 years...

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 06:40 PM

Auch, Willkommen zu DAS THORP BOARD!

(panzerkreuzer, would it be der or das? i was never good at guessing the gender of nouns i wasn't already familiar with!)

Mr. Hellbound - 7-21-2008 at 06:40 PM

you're right! i draw so many designs and on the most, there is no logo, website or signature... the reason? i dont want to play the "famous" artist... no, im an artist of thousent! Ok, thats a shirt, with my signature or better website url. Yes, i'll better watch out the next time. if i can talk with the band and they told me "... hey, we dont need your website on the shirts!" - i have no problem.
they want to follow the website? he fount the artist who makes this "design" - not more... and if he is interessted in the band - he google "slapshot"!;)
but, what is the problem to redesign a shirt and give the name from the new designer? everybody who is interessted in designing or interessted in the real artist - find the right infos. but anyway, i accept your opinion... next time i'll better watch out and the next people said "... you're stupid, every other artist will post his name under the design!"

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 06:43 PM

it's all schon

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 06:44 PM

Ursprünglich verfasst von BD
Auch, Willkommen zu DAS THORP BOARD!

(panzerkreuzer, would it be der or das? i was never good at guessing the gender of nouns i wasn't already familiar with!)

DAS is right. i think i will give some german lessons to the board members the next days. here is potential and makes it easier for me. ;)

Mr. Hellbound - 7-21-2008 at 06:45 PM

sorry, my unfriendly postings, but its hard to repair a bad reputation, thats the reason! But i can understand the arguments, but my website url was not for fishion customers. Thanx alot and all the best from vienna

@panzerkreuzer - vielen Dank! Wie ich auf die Seite gekommen bin? Wie du schreibst, dank der modernen Zeit spricht sich alles sehr schnell herum und das war auch meine große Sorge!;)

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 06:46 PM

like i said, what i need a lesson is how to determine the gender if you don't already know.
is it possible to determine?
or is it just a matter of building up the vocabulary and know the gender that goes with the word?

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 06:47 PM

this thread rules.
here's another....

Herzlichen Glückwunsch auf Ihrem neuen Baby, Herr Hellbound!

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 06:48 PM

well I think the website is just a standard thing not masculine or fem, so it would be das...
damn welcome to the new thorp german club...
do we get to take field trips?
when does the chess club start?

clevohardcore - 7-21-2008 at 06:50 PM

Originally posted by clevohardcore

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 06:52 PM

the problem with knowing what word what gender is have most people who try to learn german because most countries only have one word for all three genders. like "the".
i can´t give you a good hint to have to learn it with the vocabulary.

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 06:53 PM

Ursprünglich verfasst von clevohardcore
Originally posted by clevohardcore

as i wrote b4, when i see that they are for sale, i´ll let you know.
btw, i have the shirt and the hoodie :singing:

Mr. Hellbound - 7-21-2008 at 06:53 PM

thanx alot for welcome! now i need to go to bed, was hard days for me!

All the best from Vienna

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 06:58 PM

panzerkreuzer, if you don't mind, please convey to Mr. Hellbound that this message board has a reputation for honest discussion. it's not like anyone is talking shit about his work, but rather discussing the pros and cons of how best to take credit for one's artwork.

personally, i think it is a good discussion on a somewhat unique situation. do i have this right so far... hellbound was approached by the printer to create the design, but was not familiar with the band or the original bulldog design beforehand?

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 07:06 PM

the problem for mr. hellbound isn´t the discussion between us, but if we have a guest who reads about this and writes on another board that he is customfishing with bands his reputation in the scene is destroyed and it´s really hard to put bad rumours out of the internet.
what he wrote me he is a guy who has the right ideals and who put a lot of work and money in his studio to become what he is now and all without kissing somebody´s ass. imo he fits good in our family. isn´t it interesting how fast he got to know about our discussion? that´s the internet and this board isn´t that big...

you´re write, he wasn´t familiar with slapshot before doiing this design. he got the bulldog from the printing company and should design something around it.

XHonusWagnerX - 7-21-2008 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by panzerkreuzer

btw, i have the shirt and the hoodie :singing:

Bastard! I wasnt able to get a hoodie!!

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 07:09 PM

fixed my mistakes...

panzerkreuzer - 7-21-2008 at 07:14 PM

Ursprünglich verfasst von defstarsteve

so I am headed back in to do some post editing....

that´s why this board is so great.
but i must say that i´m glad that mr. hellbound took the opportunity to make his point clear.

@ honus. first comes first gets ;)
i didn´t want to buy it at the full force because it was more expensive than at the other shows, but whe i saw how many bought it, i couldn´t wait.
and, no, i won´t sell it!

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 07:16 PM

remember a few months back we talked about bride 9 for like 2 seconds and they were over here the same day....
I think we are being watched... maybe it's the government
am I paranoid?

clevohardcore - 7-21-2008 at 07:39 PM

no steve your on to something. We got a mole.

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 07:41 PM

we got a fucking rat...

XHonusWagnerX - 7-21-2008 at 09:37 PM

defstarsteve - 7-21-2008 at 09:42 PM

damn if jack and the rat don't look like.

clevohardcore - 7-21-2008 at 09:52 PM

I thought it was the same pic. :frog:

BDx13 - 7-21-2008 at 11:32 PM

i was thinking the same thing...
how is it chris wren turned up just a few days after people started posting about that release.
he's a busy guy, i'm sure he's got better things to do than lurk on our board.

same w/ mr.hellbound.
one day later, he's here.
and he barely speaks english!

how is this happening?
was there a direct link to hellbound's site in the thread? maybe he saw it in his log file.

MikeCore - 7-21-2008 at 11:43 PM

@Mr. Hellbound

IMHO you should be proud of your work. It's obvious that more people here like it then dislike it. Believe me when I say it's hard to find things these days that you wanna put hard cash up for and your work I 'm willing to do that for so keep up the good work. :karate:

Mr. Hellbound - 7-22-2008 at 04:48 AM


@mikecore - thanks alot!!

@bd - thats correct, i saw many users came on my site (google - webstatistik) - so, im interessted, why people come to my site. its the modern time, i dont use myspace, have no myspace site, i only use my website and this webstatistik. im old-fashioned!;) i hate this "fast run" time, but there's no way out.
so, sorry for my unfriendly statements - but "you have right" - the bulldog is not my design, only a littlebit redesign of the bulldog, the other banners and layout are from me. its difficult, in future i want to "subscribe" my designs - maybe "" is not the right way, maybe "matzi" (artist) is better, but i can live with an argument, that bands will have a "clear" design, without any signature. its not easy for an artist today. i try to respect other works, no copy other designs or bootleg some shirts at my studio. yes, i earn my money from the scene and yes, i have every day trouble with myself, do break no rules! its a hard business - thats all!
thanx alot and thanx for this good and "fair" discussion!
all the best from "gangland" vienna

REV.PAULIE - 7-22-2008 at 07:05 AM


CHOKE = GAY GROVER ("near?......far!!!")..

i would have respect for the man if he just kept to what he knew...being a townie jock that ran boston back in "the day"...but,he had to start running his mouth about things that really don't affect him in any way...never did...a 40 some-odd man talikng about a "scene" that he has no stake in outside of european tours??
the NY/BOSTON thing will alaways exist for whatever silly al...but,throughout the crapola,friendship's have been made...hell - i lived in allston for a year and a half (during the "lovesongs.." writing/recording),and can honestly say that I FUCKING HATE BOSTON....not all of the people,or my friends there (opie/worse than useless/nothing but enemies is my BRO !) are's just an attitude that exists in a town that can't make a sandwich if their lives depended on it...

and,being quarter dago - what's up with the new england gindaloon?
square headed uni-brow....
no angular noses...
just cinderblock anthony...


oh,fuck you....


panzerkreuzer - 7-22-2008 at 07:15 AM

that´s something for honus :bigsmile:

MikeCore - 7-23-2008 at 02:48 AM

Originally posted by REV.PAULIE

CHOKE = GAY GROVER ("near?......far!!!")..

Damn...and I thought I was tough on Choke. And I like Slapshot....A lot :smilegrin:

panzerkreuzer - 8-4-2008 at 04:06 PM

i´m sorry to have to tell you that the bulldog is not available from yet.
but the other shirts the sold on the tour are.

xoversux - 8-5-2008 at 07:14 AM

Originally posted by panzerkreuzer
i´m sorry to have to tell you that the bulldog is not available from yet.
but the other shirts the sold on the tour are.

I can talk to them about that. It was their own design, not ours (or should I say Honus')

panzerkreuzer - 8-5-2008 at 07:24 AM

they should sell the design and steve should print them instead. the ragewear shirt quality isn´t that good.

MikeCore - 8-5-2008 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by xoversux
Originally posted by panzerkreuzer
i´m sorry to have to tell you that the bulldog is not available from yet.
but the other shirts the sold on the tour are.

I can talk to them about that. It was their own design, not ours (or should I say Honus')

Please do...I want one of those damn shirts :yes: