Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

When it rains......

Furly - 1-3-2009 at 04:49 PM

I had a really shitty day yesterday that consisted of:

- My last Physical Therapy appiontment. I'd been going for almost 2 months, doing all the exercises they told me and all that crap, but have felt no releif. I've had back issues for years, Tried PT about 5 years ago and got MRI's done, which all ended with no diagnosis, no releif, no nothing.
This time around they said they think my SI joint may be crooked. There is appearently no fix for this. So I've wasted time and money for nothing. Will be going to a new Dr in a couple of weeks for a fresh set of eyes and hopefully new MRIs done.

- I also saw my Kidney Dr, who I'd been avoiding for about a year. I got diagnosed with 2 kidney diseases a few years back. Minimal Change Disease, which is most commen in Asian boys under the age of 12, that has progessed to also give me Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, which is most commen in black men, who inject heroin, and have HIV. So I can totally understand why I got so frigan lucky. What all the scary words actually mean is that the cells in my kidneys are weak, therefor I am spilling protein.
These 2 disease's don't actually affect me. I feel no pain, and would never know there was a problem if a random pee in a cup test didn't come out looking odd. A few 24 hour urines and a byopsy later, they gave me the great news. I went on 100 mg of prednisone for 3 months (Hello 30 pounds of water weight!) that made them better for a short peroid of time, now they are at their wost state yet. I'm now being put back on a med that's supposed to lower my BP, therefor take some of the stress off of the kidneys. I suck at remembering to take pills, but got to try my best, I know.
Worst case scenario, I lose all function of my kidneys years down the road. Awesome!!!!
He has also told me I should get checked for Ovarian Cysts when I go get my hooch check next week. Keep giving me all this great news!!

And today, my tenant upstairs shower started pouring into my bathroom. I beleive the probem is in the actual pipes in the walls opposed to the calked seams where the shower walls meet the tub.

So yeah, when it rains, it fucking pours.

tireironsaint - 1-3-2009 at 05:22 PM

Sorry all that shit is dumping on ya at once, but I've always found that "when it rains" adage to be one of the more accurate sayings in this world.

Hmmm, maybe you should get one o' those Shamwow things to help with the shower problem....

Furly - 1-3-2009 at 05:35 PM

Originally posted by tireironsaint
Sorry all that shit is dumping on ya at once, but I've always found that "when it rains" adage to be one of the more accurate sayings in this world.

Hmmm, maybe you should get one o' those Shamwow things to help with the shower problem....

Ha! Yeah, perhaps I could just wrap the shamwow around the leaking pipe. :smilegrin:

Discipline - 1-3-2009 at 05:43 PM

Shitty. I can relate with the kidney problems. Mine have improved slightly, but there are still problems.

DAK - 1-3-2009 at 08:58 PM

Sorry. Hope things get better for you.

Voodoobillyman - 1-3-2009 at 09:31 PM

Sorry to hear this, do you have a line up family or friend wise for the plumbing issue? I hope it all works out for you soon

DaveMoral - 1-3-2009 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Furly
Originally posted by tireironsaint
Sorry all that shit is dumping on ya at once, but I've always found that "when it rains" adage to be one of the more accurate sayings in this world.

Hmmm, maybe you should get one o' those Shamwow things to help with the shower problem....

Ha! Yeah, perhaps I could just wrap the shamwow around the leaking pipe. :smilegrin:

No no, what you need is that magic putty shit that the OxyClean dude is always advertizing for. The one that you can pull a truck with. - 1-3-2009 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by DaveMoral
Originally posted by Furly
Originally posted by tireironsaint
Sorry all that shit is dumping on ya at once, but I've always found that "when it rains" adage to be one of the more accurate sayings in this world.

Hmmm, maybe you should get one o' those Shamwow things to help with the shower problem....

Ha! Yeah, perhaps I could just wrap the shamwow around the leaking pipe. :smilegrin:


And really sorry to hear about all this, hope things work out for you.
No no, what you need is that magic putty shit that the OxyClean dude is always advertizing for. The one that you can pull a truck with.

clevohardcore - 1-3-2009 at 10:17 PM

Maybe you could KABLAM them.

Seriously, get better. THat is a double whammy your dealing with.

Enyo - 1-3-2009 at 10:42 PM

Furly- I'm sorry hun, all that is just so shitty. :(

For the SI pain, do you sleep with a pillow between your knees? That is about the only thing that helps me when mine acts up. Also, did your therapist talk to you about the "position of comfort"? My mom is a PT and she is big on that. If not- basically you have to find a position where you have no pain at all. For a lot of people this is either lying completely flat on your tummy on a hard floor, OR lying on your back with your legs up on the couch, bent at the knee. If you can find a position that works for you, stay there for 15-20 minutes, that should relieve some of the pressure and let you be pain free for a couple of hours at a time. I hope that helps :)

Furly - 1-4-2009 at 01:47 AM

Thanks guys and doll! :)

My comfy spot is on my belly, that's how I usually sleep or on my side holding a pillow with the blanket bunched between my legs. Unfourtunatly, I have never gone for any amount of time without feeling atleast some discomfort. It is something I've learned to deal with but don't feel it'll be any fun as time goes on and the issue just gets worst. The worse part of my back pain is a single barely touch of my lower back sends me threw the roof.

To put it in terms most would understand, if I were in doggy style, you put your hands on my hips, the second you push with your thumbs, even if just to lighty hold on I jump and scream in pain.

And I've thought about sticking gum all over my bathroom ceiling to stop the leak, but was told it's not a very effective idea. I do have a plumber, but even though he's friend of the family, won't work cheep for me on the weekends. So the tenants have been told to limit their showers, take them together if posible, and have been warned that they may need to use mine for a week while it gets fixed. (my best friend and his girl, they have a key to my appartment so no real biggie there)

tireironsaint - 1-4-2009 at 02:30 AM

At least the tenants are friends of yours, that shit could get nasty otherwise.

Furly - 1-4-2009 at 02:41 AM

Originally posted by tireironsaint
At least the tenants are friends of yours, that shit could get nasty otherwise.

True that! I understand fully the whole mixing pleasure with business, and money being the one thing that can tear even the best apart, but where I live, like I said, my best bud lives on the second floor, and my sister and her family lives on the third. It's these people that have complete control over your life by knowing your every move and when you're not home. I like having people I trust here.

The other property I manage, I have good tenants, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them.