Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

where do anarchists get off thinking that they have a "right" to everything?

Colin - 10-1-2010 at 04:05 PM

I spent a better part of this morning debating with an anarchist aquaintance after he said "rent is theft" in one of his many political facebook posts. He believes that shelter is a "right". After he completely twisted everything I said to make it sound like I'm some how supporting a corrupt capitalist agenda, I responded with this:

-basically what I was originally getting at is that shelter is not a right as much as it's a necessity & a generally good thing to have in most environments, & if you want the luxury of a decent roof over your head, you can build one if you want, or you can choose to rent. I myself made the decision to work full-time in order to rent a decent house because I don't wanna live in a shack in the woods & I don't have enough money to buy a place. My landlord is not commiting any form of "theft" by charging me to live here. If I don't like it, I have the "right" to go somewhere else. To think that the luxury of a living in a house I didn't work to build, with a sewage system, electricity, potable running water & gas should be free is completely ridiculous. I hope that clarifies my response to anyone who says "rent is theft".-

Hoping to get some opinions on the general topic of anarchists & marxists who have this idea that the world owes them a living. Not to overlook the fact that the system is completely corrupt & affordable housing is desperately needed, but it kind rubs me the wrong way when someone thinks it's their natural born "right" to have something I work my ass off to enjoy.

Johnny_Whistle - 10-5-2010 at 02:14 PM

I don't know if people have a God-given right to a house, but this kind of shit is ridiculous:

I mean come on, you can argue about the role of government all day long (and I have), but if you have a municipal fire department in your city, can we all agree that their number one job is to stop your fucking house from being destroyed? Charge 'em the $75.00 afterwards if you want, but put out the goddamned fire first. Amirite ladies?!?

Colin - 10-6-2010 at 06:34 AM

damn, that's shitty

barc0debaby - 10-9-2010 at 02:06 AM

Yeah I just don't talk to those people.

If you begin a sentence with: The corporations, the founding fathers, the American people, Capitalism is,What they want, etc. The conversation is over before it begins.

wez138 - 10-9-2010 at 07:42 PM

I agree with squatting but on certain levels. I don't agree with those that do it because it's "there right" and there owed shelter. As that reasoning is just plain contradictory and stupid to me because it falls in-line with the way the government and massive corporations secure what is "there right" by being so brazen in what ever agenda there playing-out. However I do feel if a building or property is not being used or occupied because of a few key reasons E.g The landlord or owner of the property doesn't care about there property and show's signs of this by not having people occupy said property for a long period of time. Office's that show no-sign of being rented out and has been empty for a while. The person/s squatting the premises have nowhere to go or no money to pay....................Not so it's just some "we're sticking it too the man agenda". And they treat the property with a amount of respect. I think houses that stand empty for a very long period of time weather it be due to the owner/s or whatever party you will are laughing in the face of the homeless and less privileged or less fortunate as them-self's.

JawnDiablo - 10-9-2010 at 10:27 PM

squatters rights....I'll give ya a left a right and a kick in the fuckin head...

sorry I can't help myself

JawnDiablo - 10-9-2010 at 10:37 PM

I had a couple friends back in the day who flew that flag.
I couldn't bear to listen to their shit on most days.
but there's a lot of stuff the cats they were involved with that was very positive in my opinion so I would let it slide, stuff like community gardens and co-ops and shit. books thru bars and some other stuff that i forget about. but everything isn't a conspiracy.
I pay more than a reasonable rate to rent an apartment in an area that is going down the tubes with the turbo.
but I can't do much more. we live here as good tenants, we're clean, and quiet and mind our own business.
If some smelly shithead in a studded leather jacket broke in the vacant unit across the vestibule from me and began to squat or rot I'd grab the alluminum bat from behind my couch and bust them up.

Colin - 10-10-2010 at 02:18 AM

Originally posted by wez138
I agree with squatting but on certain levels. I don't agree with those that do it because it's "there right" and there owed shelter. As that reasoning is just plain contradictory and stupid to me because it falls in-line with the way the government and massive corporations secure what is "there right" by being so brazen in what ever agenda there playing-out. However I do feel if a building or property is not being used or occupied because of a few key reasons E.g The landlord or owner of the property doesn't care about there property and show's signs of this by not having people occupy said property for a long period of time. Office's that show no-sign of being rented out and has been empty for a while. The person/s squatting the premises have nowhere to go or no money to pay....................Not so it's just some "we're sticking it too the man agenda". And they treat the property with a amount of respect. I think houses that stand empty for a very long period of time weather it be due to the owner/s or whatever party you will are laughing in the face of the homeless and less privileged or less fortunate as them-self's.
yep, I agree with ya. I was reading alot of extreme left stuff as a teen, made up my mind on my own, mostly leaning left, certainly pretty anti govt. My opinions are just a little more realistic than when I was 14 & agreed with my buddy.
Fuck, I mean I generally have people tellin' me my political ideas are too far fetched, but thinkin' rent should be free? That is STUPID

lifeisabitch - 10-10-2010 at 02:31 AM

there are so many abandoned buildings in New Orleans it is fucking sad from, simple 1 family homes to like 35 story high rises... there are almost more empty buildings than there are full... and they are all sketchy high security, like the police will shoot first ask questions later.

I say fill them up with all the people who can't afford to pay the damn high rents in this shit hole. I could rent a similar size place in NYC, for what I am paying here and wages here don't even come close to being on par.

If someone is struggling and willing to work, let them live, but if you just want to sit on a doorstep and beg for change with your nicely groomed dog and full sleeves I'll kick you in the teeth

Colin - 10-10-2010 at 02:54 AM

Originally posted by lifeisabitch
there are so many abandoned buildings in New Orleans it is fucking sad from, simple 1 family homes to like 35 story high rises... there are almost more empty buildings than there are full... and they are all sketchy high security, like the police will shoot first ask questions later.

I say fill them up with all the people who can't afford to pay the damn high rents in this shit hole. I could rent a similar size place in NYC, for what I am paying here and wages here don't even come close to being on par.

If someone is struggling and willing to work, let them live, but if you just want to sit on a doorstep and beg for change with your nicely groomed dog and full sleeves I'll kick you in the teeth

JawnDiablo - 10-10-2010 at 09:45 AM

so these types are rolling with dogs all over then huh?
I have seen some with nice dogs here and then ones with dogs that look like they're starving.
Bothers me.

BKT - 1-4-2011 at 05:14 PM

Pay your bills or starve to death in the streets. That's that. Like it or not it is how it is and its not going to change so fuck off about it.


lifeisabitch - 1-5-2011 at 12:43 AM

so last week it gets down to 20 degrees in NOLA which is unheard of here

8 of these dirty kids break into a place to squat to get out of the cold....
start a fire

and all die

some from smoke inhalation others burnt up...

if you are going to squat to stay warm have someone watch the fucking fire
or build it outside

or don't leave it burning on the first floor and fall asleep on the second floor

Colin - 1-5-2011 at 01:48 PM

not very smart, that's kind of sad, but I see it kind of as social darwinism. let the stupid die

JawnDiablo - 1-8-2011 at 12:39 PM

jeez man that's sadly stupid

Colin - 1-8-2011 at 06:49 PM

well I think common sense could have saved some lifes in this situation, but it obviously wasn't working at the moment. I'll put this in my "live & let die" file. Not a very nice thing to say, but really, who the fuck builds a fire inside a place with out a fireplace? Common sense. Loads of people die every year from doing stupid shit, & I honestly view it as a natural process