Except that both of those two bands will likely be playing at the same time.
Mark Lind - 7-2-2013 at 07:33 PM
As much as The Welch Boys are about the hardest punk band in Boston, the two sets of bands really fish in different ponds. Both shows will do well.
There will be some people that will go to both and head back and forth between the two levels of the club. Otherwise each line-up will bring out their
niche audience and both will go well. Except for people that want to see Welch Boys and Sheer Terror; I could see some of them being bummed.
Maybe the Mid East should move the Welch Boys show to be earlier and offer combo tickets to both shows. MattyA - 7-2-2013 at 08:02 PM
Both shows start at different times, welch boys doors at 6 and sheer terror show doors are at 8. So there should be enough time to see both.sentrand - 7-4-2013 at 12:35 AM
wish one was closer to me....REV.PAULIE - 7-4-2013 at 04:48 AM
Maybe the Mid East should move the Welch Boys show to be earlier and offer combo tickets to both shows.
I've no problem with this. Don't know how to make it happen,right now...But,Sounds cool to me. JawnDiablo - 7-4-2013 at 09:33 AM
Paul, hows the new material coming along?XHonusWagnerX - 7-4-2013 at 09:48 AM
heres a flyer I made for the Boston show...
REV.PAULIE - 7-5-2013 at 12:25 PM
With the guitarist position in flux for over a year,songwriting has been erratic,at best. I'd say that we have five songs that I'm relatively happy
with and almost sure to put on the record,with another four that need a lot of work to even be considered.
REV.PAULIE - 7-26-2013 at 08:09 AM
It's official.
This Sunday marks the return of Mike DeLorenzo on guitar.
Writing is back,booming,and we're all very happy to have the line-up that made me want to do this again back in business.