Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Don't really listen to "hardcore"........

Voodoobillyman - 8-12-2005 at 03:46 PM

With the exception of a select few bands from beantown, the biggest being Blood for Blood. I remember when Ian was playing in Polyglot back in Maine during the early to mid what fun that was. Anyhow, my question is this.........Would you let your kids listen to this band? I have loved them since 96 and I will always love them, but I had my daughter (1 month old) in the car the other day and when I was selecting music I actually thought about it and passed on the old B4B. I never would have done this in the past, but it is just way too negative and full of colorful words. Not to say I still don't love them but I certainly have to think twice about when and when not to play them.

Murk - 8-13-2005 at 04:07 AM

Originally posted by VoodoobillymanWould you let your kids listen to this band?

If they were already interested, probably. Introduce, probably not before 13. However, playing at a low level, not cranked, in a car etc. isn't gonna hurt anything.

Monkey_Julius_BoWaffle - 8-13-2005 at 05:52 AM

wow - that's a hard question - I know how hard life is and if/when I have children, I would totally LOVE to think I could keep them from being exposed to a lot of things that I have been exposed to and letting them listen to a band as honest and straight up as BFB, that's a toughie.

I honestly can't answer your question (which I guess sorta renders my reply to this thread at all as rather useless).....

JawnDiablo - 8-13-2005 at 09:03 AM

i'lll jump off that bridge when i get to son is 8 and may have at least 5 years before he will even be iterested...although as far as music goes, he likes clutch a lot, and i can deal with that for now...i deal with it well

Voodoobillyman - 8-13-2005 at 06:44 PM

Well, I am not one to starve my little girl of good music of course. She loves Johnny Cash and alot of the rockabilly/surf stuff I listen to, she also seems to dig Iron Cross...........strange:) I guess the advice on waiting for her to be old enough to decide what she would like is the way to go, I agree B4B is about as unsugarcoated a glimpse of the world as you can get. I hope she can take this place with a grain odf salt once she's old enough to really understand it.

Killthehumans - 8-13-2005 at 06:46 PM

id let my kids listen to the ramones and black falg and stuff, maybe not BFB, but thinsgs like decendents and social D and dickies

Voodoobillyman - 8-13-2005 at 07:14 PM

Yeah, Social D is a good one too, she loves them and his solos tuff too, she digs it.

Dan - 8-13-2005 at 08:07 PM

I'll probably never have children. Anyways, this thread reminded my of this photobucket album I stumbled upon the other day: Warning: cuteness inside

XHonusWagnerX - 8-15-2005 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Killthehumans
id let my kids listen to the ramones and black falg and stuff, maybe not BFB, but thinsgs like decendents and social D and dickies

Thats probably a good start. BFB is pretty abrasive. Imagine an 8 year old quoting BFB lyrics in the middle of 3rd grade English class! That would definitly cause a parent/teacher meeting!

DeathByForce - 8-15-2005 at 09:44 AM

pffft, i'd say they could listen to it.. but the minute they started using the language.. they'd get a spanking!