Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

Leaked Albums

CR83 - 8-19-2005 at 03:33 PM

So what do you all think? The latest ones for Biohazard, Madball, Ramallah and so on got leaked to the internet. Does it bother anyone? I'm not in a band so I don't know how it would effect a band. I remember the excitement of going ot record store on a Tuesday to get new CD's/Tapes/Albums. There's just something about it. I will always buy the CD and I have dabbled in leaked albums from time to time. I know that the Ramallah leak wasn't the final master but does anyone really care about that?

I do have an MP3 player and want my music to be portable so I want to buy the CD once. Let me know what you think.


gavin - 8-19-2005 at 03:37 PM

my band is not on the level of any of these bands for sure but i wouldnt give a crap if my shit got leaked or if people were downloading it for free or whatever
fuck lars

Discipline - 8-19-2005 at 04:13 PM

I can't download albums. I'm one of those geeks who feels the need to have the real deal. I need the booklet, the artwork, etc. I even read the thanks lists.

crazyfists28 - 8-19-2005 at 04:20 PM

i absolutely know what you mean about that feeling of excitement and anticipation about getting an album. i do like hearing stuff ahead of time but still buy it if im a fan of the band. i like leaked stuff/downloads for bands that i dont know or at least am not sure about, that way i can hear more and make a final decision before wasting/investing 15 bucks on a cd...

CR83 - 8-19-2005 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Discipline
I can't download albums. I'm one of those geeks who feels the need to have the real deal. I need the booklet, the artwork, etc. I even read the thanks lists.

The Thanks list is always awesome. I pour through those things. Prior to the internet, I would go through there to find new bands. I love the lyrics and pictures. Always good stuff. I also will download things for a taste and help me decide. I know it is all preference.

Unbound - 8-19-2005 at 05:09 PM

I get pretty much everything I want anyway as promos, but leaked albums do hurt the bands, especially smaller bands. Not demo level bands of course though, because I'm sure they are glad people are listening. I definitely will download the odd song, but honestly if the person buys the CD eventually then I don't see the problem with it. Then again life is too short to worry about what other people do, listen and be merry, or listen and be depressed. Music is meant to be heard, not collect dust on record store shelves.

Monkey_Julius_BoWaffle - 8-19-2005 at 05:29 PM

Leaked albums are good for bands IMO. If the album is worth a shit, I notice the majority of people will go out and buy a real copy. I disagree that it hurts the small bands - I think it helps them. I think it hurts the big acts because their fans are generally fly by nighters and their music is more "hit single" oriented. People into underground music generally feel an obligation to support their favorite bands and like to collect the albums, not just have a shitty burned CD copy.

Like the Ramallah for example - I've already turned some folks I wouldn't have assumed would have liked it onto it and they're asking me "when does this come out, where can I get it"? I think in Ramallah's case, the leak was a DAMN good thing. I think it's going to make it sell better than it even would have before.

Basically I look at it this way - free exposure. Small bands don't have to depend on labels money or media backing for exposure anymore. They can do it right outta their bedrooms and make it into thousands of peoples homes for free. For every downloader that never buys the real CD, they probably pick up 5 more that end up buying one that might not have before they got to preview the album.

As for the whole Metallica/Lars attitude - always remember, back in 1982, they would have BEGGED people to download their stuff for free. Any young band is generally stoked just to have people actually checking their shit out and listening to it and commenting on it.

Also, in modern times, you almost HAVE to preview shit before you buy it. I mean, there are certain artists that you KNOW will deliver the goods almost every time, but there are so many new artists and albums popping up all the time, it's impossible to know whats worthy and what is a total waste.

hollymaconmovies - 8-19-2005 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Monkey_Julius_BoWaffle
Leaked albums are good for bands IMO. If the album is worth a shit, I notice the majority of people will go out and buy a real copy. I disagree that it hurts the small bands - I think it helps them. I think it hurts the big acts because their fans are generally fly by nighters and their music is more "hit single" oriented. People into underground music generally feel an obligation to support their favorite bands and like to collect the albums, not just have a shitty burned CD copy.

Like the Ramallah for example - I've already turned some folks I wouldn't have assumed would have liked it onto it and they're asking me "when does this come out, where can I get it"? I think in Ramallah's case, the leak was a DAMN good thing. I think it's going to make it sell better than it even would have before.

Basically I look at it this way - free exposure. Small bands don't have to depend on labels money or media backing for exposure anymore. They can do it right outta their bedrooms and make it into thousands of peoples homes for free. For every downloader that never buys the real CD, they probably pick up 5 more that end up buying one that might not have before they got to preview the album.

As for the whole Metallica/Lars attitude - always remember, back in 1982, they would have BEGGED people to download their stuff for free. Any young band is generally stoked just to have people actually checking their shit out and listening to it and commenting on it.

Also, in modern times, you almost HAVE to preview shit before you buy it. I mean, there are certain artists that you KNOW will deliver the goods almost every time, but there are so many new artists and albums popping up all the time, it's impossible to know whats worthy and what is a total waste.

Couldn't agree more, or have said it better myself.

thedog - 8-20-2005 at 01:26 AM

i am not in a band, nor do i run a record label... so for me there is no down side to an album being leaked. i can see why a band or a record label might be against it though.
As a fan... if its a band i like i would still go out and buy the real copy.
" like the new madball, i had it a month before it came out and still went and got it the day it came out "

brooklyn - 8-20-2005 at 03:13 AM

I believe mp3's on sites help discovering new bands. I have bought cds from bands I didn't know before but discovered through some mp3s on sites.

What I wonder with the leaking of whole albums is where the leak comes from because I think if you really want to keep something secret then that should not be too difficult because in the studio not too many people are involved. And it sometimes seems also that the leak helps to increase the hype and expectation. Like with the new Biohazard album. If it wasn't leaked there would not have bene all the emotions about Biohazard being back with their early days style. And the leaking of the rough Ramallah album is steering the same fever. So maybe leaking is part of a PR campaign.

But I agree fully with Chris Reed and Discipline. Nothing beats the real thing as I also am very intereste din the artwork, lyrics and I also read the thankslist and have discovered new bands through that. With some records (depending on my time) I go through the bands mentioned in the thankslist and put the ones I don't know in Google and discover.

godabandonedme - 8-20-2005 at 03:16 AM

If it's good I buy the shit anyway. Like the new ramallah. Getting it, as soon as I can.

XHonusWagnerX - 8-20-2005 at 09:12 AM

Where can I get the BIOHAZARD one?

JawnDiablo - 8-20-2005 at 12:37 PM

i got a "leak" of madball...and still purchased the CD....
if it is good...i usually get the real deal

GabeTexasGAMC - 8-20-2005 at 01:13 PM

yeah i love leaked albums. It lets me get into the bare bones of the music before i buy the actual album from a store.

And i REALLY want the new biohazard one as well.

defstarsteve - 8-20-2005 at 01:38 PM

I have the biohazard find me on aim

GabeTexasGAMC - 8-21-2005 at 02:41 AM

found it!

joemaconmovies - 8-21-2005 at 09:37 AM

Some albums that I'm really looking forward too, I give in and download them. I've had every Weezer album since The Green Album downloaded before they came out and I had DKM's "The Warrior's Code" before it came out. Downloading those albums did not prevent me from going out and buying the album in the stores. The only way I wouldn't have done that is if the album really really really sucked. I used leaks and downloads as a way ti gauge stuff I've never heard before I go and waste money. There are bands that I will always buy albums from and having the option of hearing it early is a very tempting thing for me. I like to see a cd and all the artwork and everything. I don't really have a problem with leaking but I can see where people get pissed by it. Some people won't buy albums because of it and that's a shame. Especially to a smaller band who doesn't make a lot.

JawnDiablo - 8-21-2005 at 10:06 AM

i just got the new DKM cd and it is great

DeathByForce - 8-22-2005 at 04:01 AM

hah, i got the def leppard cover cd 6 months before it's even supposed to be out if anyone wants it!

JawnDiablo - 8-22-2005 at 06:10 AM

will someone please "leak" me this new biohazard CD? i would definetley like a taste before i shell out my $$...since the last however many CDs from them were not so swell...except the last one, that was pretty heavy throat kickin shit

Jason the Magnificent - 8-22-2005 at 08:14 AM

new biohazard is their best in years.

If you run a hardcore label and you care that your albums are being downloaded for free, you're not running a hardcore label. This is some Robin Hood shit, not corporate America.

XHonusWagnerX - 8-22-2005 at 08:44 AM

Originally posted by DeathByForce
hah, i got the def leppard cover cd 6 months before it's even supposed to be out if anyone wants it!

I wouldnt mind checking that out. I really want the new Biohazard too.

CR83 - 8-22-2005 at 10:31 AM

Wow, seems like most of us are on the same page. We listen to this stuff for so many reason and will always be "fans", "consumers" or what have you. I love to leaked tracks. Since I started downloading music, I have bought way more CD's then I ever would have. I own more music because of leaked stuff or downloading. By the way, the new Biohazard is fucking sick. The first track is one of THE BEST songs I have ever heard.

clevohardcore - 8-22-2005 at 11:21 AM

I will always look forward to record shopping. I like buying the real shit and supporting a band that I feel deserves it. I'm not to big on buying shit at bestbuy or wherever unless I have to. I like the record shops. When a record or cd is released or leaked I like the ability to smaple it befroe I shell out the cash buy I will buy the original instead of downloading the entire cd.