Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board

KRS ONE and 9/11

BDx13 - 1-18-2005 at 01:01 AM

This came up recently in another thread, so I'm posting a few things I found on the topic. How do you feel about it? Is he right? Or is he an insensitive bastard?


BDx13 - 1-18-2005 at 01:02 AM

Rapper KRS-ONE horrified other panelists during this month's (OCT04) NEW YORKER FESTIVAL when he claimed the September 11th atrocities were "justice" for black Americans and the hip-hop community.

The star, whose real name is KRIS PARKER, joined former NIRVANA rocker KRIST NOVOSELIC and HENRY ROLLINS on the panel of the 'Political Rockers' event at the annual festival on 2 October (04).

Krs-One claimed he and other African-Americans "cheered when 9/11 happened. I say that proudly".

The rapper alleged security guards kept black people out of the Twin Towers, "Because of the way we talk and dress.

"So when the planes hit the building, we were like, 'Mmmm - justice.' 9/11 doesn't affect us. 9/11 happened to them, not us.

"By them, I mean the rich - those who are oppressing us. RCA or BMG, UNIVERSAL, the radio stations."

Novelist TOM KELLY, who was sitting in the audience, booed the rapper and later told American newspaper NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, "I lost six friends there on 9/11."

Krs-One added that he wasn't bothered about the upcoming Presidential election next month (NOV04), saying, "Voting in a corrupt society adds more corruption. America has to commit suicide if the world is to be a better place."

An angry Novoselic responded, "That is wrong, man. Suicide is not the answer."


BDx13 - 1-18-2005 at 01:03 AM

LATEST: Outspoken rapper KRS-ONE is angrily denying a recent news report claiming he sympathises with terrorists after the September 11 (01) atrocities.

American newspaper NEW YORK DAILY NEWS' gossip column ran a report on Thursday (14OCT04) claiming the OVA HERE hitmaker dismissed the thousands killed in the attacks during a 'Political Rockers' event at the NEW YORKER FESTIVAL on 2 October (04).

The hip-hop star, whose real name is KRIS PARKER, tells website ALLHIPHOP.COM, "Like everyone I was shocked to read that I and other African-Americans actually 'cheered when 911 happened' and that I have 'declared my solidarity with AL QAEDA'.

"When I read my words taken out of context I was shocked and disappointed that the Daily News would go this far to assassinate my character and distort my views."

Krs-One says that while he was saddened by the deaths of 9/11, the Daily News was correct to report that he believed officials employed by the World Trade Center - which was hit and destroyed by two aircraft during the attacks - were racist.

He explains, "I was just as saddened as everyone else on 9/11. However, many of us were racially profiled and harassed by the World Trade Center's security and the police patrolling that area as well as the thousands of American protesters that spoke out against the World Trade Organisation months before in Seattle, Washington. There was a sense of justice, a sense of change, a wake up call watching the Twin Towers fall.

"I was making an objective point about how many Hip-hoppers as well as the oppressed peoples of the world felt that day. I am a philosopher and a critical thinker, I speak truth and I urge people to think critically about themselves and their environment. Yes, my words are strong. Yes, my views are controversial. But to call me a terrorist is simply wrong."

gavin - 1-18-2005 at 02:51 AM

i think he was trying to do what malcome x did when he made comments about the kennedy assasination, but failed.
i aont havin' it.
fuck him.

defstarsteve - 1-18-2005 at 03:29 AM

the press will say anything to make someone look bad....

gavin - 1-18-2005 at 03:36 AM

do you really think that it was the press that made him look bad in this case?
i think he did a pretty ok job on his own making himself look bad.

moron - 1-18-2005 at 10:40 AM

This is the first Ive heard of this. Saying you "cheered" what happened on 9/11 is pretty distasteful, and maybe it was the wrong choice of words. I dont really know how many people feel like him either, but calling him a terrorist is just as dumb as saying you cheered the 9/11 attacks.

defstarsteve - 1-18-2005 at 02:18 PM

who the hell is mr bad vibes....
3 posts all doggin out krs-1

who is the fake poster

if you got something to say say it as yourself

none of that fake poster shit here please

gavin - 1-18-2005 at 05:38 PM

im not a fake poster dude.
i just started posting here.
ive been reading this board on and off for a while but never posted
sorry to work ya all up there dude.

defstarsteve - 1-18-2005 at 08:36 PM

all good
we all try to get along in this forum, we have other place for our major negative shit....
but post more, let us know what's up
who why where and shit

gavin - 1-18-2005 at 09:18 PM

cool man.
im not looking to argue with anyone believe me.
im from philly.
i first noticed a starkweather thread here a long time ago.
rennie is a good friend of mine so i kept checking the board and have been coming back ever since.
not sure why i havent posted until now.

defstarsteve - 1-18-2005 at 10:23 PM

shit dawg I just moved to pittsburgh
I know you got a better scene right now but pa is pa
im me sometime

RomanticViolence - 1-18-2005 at 10:44 PM

I hate media

BDx13 - 1-19-2005 at 12:38 AM

Originally posted by RomanticViolence
I hate media

well said, sweetheart.

BDx13 - 1-19-2005 at 12:50 AM

Originally posted by MrBadVibes
im not a fake poster dude.
i just started posting here.
ive been reading this board on and off for a while but never posted
sorry to work ya all up there dude.

MBV - Welcome to the Thorp Board. As Steve mentioned, this is a pretty low-key board - both activity and attitude-wise - but we like it that way. People mostly have actual civil conversations here, even if the topics are a little colorful at times. Any serious drama is reserved for the HATE FORUM or for THE RING, an officially sponsored bitch-fest.

And as you may have read, Ren, Todd, and Michelle are old friends of mine as well, so I'm looking forward to having someone expand on the Greatest Rennie Resmini Quotes Of All Time Thread!

Now, back to bitching about krsone

tireironsaint - 1-19-2005 at 02:06 PM

I don't want to form an opinion either way without knowing the whole story and unless there's someone around who I know I can trust who was actually there when the whole thing went down, I doubt I'll ever know. As has already been mentioned by some, the media is completely and utterly full of shit, so I wouldn't take their word for it if they told me that McDonald's is a place that sells hamburgers.

jonnynewbreed - 1-19-2005 at 02:31 PM

It is a poorly directed statement by a rapper...go figure. I think he picked the wrong milkbox to stand on and he picked the wrong thing to preach about.

WTC wouldn't let black people in because of the way they dressed...well i'm sure that if a group of punks and skinheads walked in there they would be given a hard time too. It was a mulit ethnic place of BUSINESS and that is that.

DHC4LIFE - 1-19-2005 at 02:35 PM

Krs-One claimed he and other African-Americans "cheered when 9/11 happened. I say that proudly"

he is so full of shit!!!!

Killthehumans - 1-19-2005 at 08:51 PM

ITs dumb that he cheered for 9/11, but only cause the so many people died horrible deaths. If those buildings were empty i would be glad that they fell too.

defstarsteve - 1-19-2005 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Killthehumans
ITs dumb that he cheered for 9/11, but only cause the so many people died horrible deaths. If those buildings were empty i would be glad that they fell too.

the irony here is amazing.....

Killthehumans - 1-20-2005 at 01:56 AM

its not ironic though. The only thing that made that tragedy terrible was the loss of life and the way those people had to die. other than that i dont care about two buildings that symbolize free world trade. Because i am against free trade. The fact is more money is being given to the businesses that had offices there through insurance and goverment subsidary than is being given to the families of the victims. Buildings and business can comeback...people can't.

Killthehumans - 1-20-2005 at 01:58 AM

The fact that he cheered i felt was dumb because there were people in the buildings at the time of the attack. IF the buildings were empty i would have no problem with KRS one cheering and as i stated early i would not have shed a tear.

defstarsteve - 1-20-2005 at 02:35 AM

the ironic part is your name bro,
kill the humans

the rest is just steel and concrete

BDx13 - 1-20-2005 at 04:34 AM

Originally posted by Killthehumans
The only thing that made that tragedy terrible was the loss of life and the way those people had to die. other than that i dont care about two buildings that symbolize free world trade.

as a new yorker, i have to disagree with you here. no, i'm not saying the loss of life wasn't tragic, but the wtc buildings meant a lot of things to a lot of people.

when they were built in the 70s, nobody liked the way they looked, but they quickly came to rank among the most famous buildings in the world. they made the new york skyline extreemly unique and identifyable. KTH - had ever been to new york before they came down? when you get off the NJ turnpike, and are approaching the holland tunnel to enter the city, there is a point where NY harbor and the manhattan skyline first come into view. it was fucking breathtaking.

to me, those buildings always represented the enormity of new york city. in my mind, they offered fair warning to everyone who approached... "you better have big balls if you think you're gonna make it here". to me, they were the heart of this city.

standing in the street that day, watching as those buildings came down, my fucking heart broke. i've seen some amazing things in my life, but nothing as unbelievable as that. seriously, that day changed my life.

sorry about the drainer post...

BDx13 - 1-20-2005 at 04:40 AM

Now, back to bitching about krsone

Big Ugly - 1-20-2005 at 05:17 AM

Does that guy even have a career anymore?

LilOz - 1-20-2005 at 01:56 PM

As far as I remembered people in the wtc center and their families weren't cheering.

It is that simple.

Killthehumans - 1-20-2005 at 02:39 PM

I guess i can see where you are coming from a boston'er i guess i'd be sad if the jonhancock building was destroyed. I also probally failed to realize that the damage and debris probally affect non-business or small business places.

BDx13 - 1-20-2005 at 04:14 PM

In September 2002, the NYC Comptrollers office published a captivating report entitled "One Year Later, The Fiscal Impact of 9/11 on New York City". At that time, its authors estimated New York City's losses at between $83 and $95 BILLION, including both direct and indirect costs. Lower Manhattan was closed to the general public for months after the attacks; countless businesses went under and 150,000 people (including yours truly) lost their jobs in the first year alone.

While we're on the topic (ok, I know I'm the one keeping us on it), I'd like to thank the federal government for pressuring the EPA to announce that the air around the disaster area was safe to breathe when every independent organization testing at the time concluded the opposite.

I live directly east of the WTC site in Brooklyn; less than 10 blocks from the waterfront, and directly in the eastward wind's path. When my wife and I got home that evening, the smoke in our neighborhood was so thick, you couldn't see the traffic light at the end of the block. Ash and debris were everywhere. If you think about it for too long, it can make you sick to your stomach.

BDx13 - 1-20-2005 at 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Big Ugly
Does that guy even have a career anymore?

i assume so - - but i can't say i've heard anything from him in years.