Thorp and Sailor's Grave Board


godabandonedme - 10-24-2006 at 07:14 AM

So I get a message on my phone yesterday my girlfriend crying and an babballing etc. So I get home and apparantly a friend of mine who uses his daughters cell phone to send me stupid text messages, (jokes, fuck you's, wake up, go to work etc.) and this showed up on the bill. Well, I know his daughter and while I would fuck her I actually don't like her that much, she also would send stupid pictures and shit to my phone all the time and I would just reply back by forwarding it to everyone in my phone. Anyway, my girl sees all these msgs, calls an hears it's a girls phone and flips the fuck out on me saying that I'm cheating etc. etc. Nuts, seriously she now thinks that when she bitched at me about being at the bar to much I was actually out with this girl, and that's also why I spend all my money cause I must be taking this other girl out all the time. Ok, I drink way to much and spend an easy 40 a day at the bar but now I got a real bad headache.

XHonusWagnerX - 10-24-2006 at 08:33 AM

Wow.... thats a mess! I hope you can work it all out bro.

JawnDiablo - 10-24-2006 at 08:58 AM

i hate that kind of childish crap.

GabeTexasGAMC - 10-24-2006 at 09:12 AM

Dude! I have just the thing for this situation!

Discipline - 10-24-2006 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by juandiablo
i hate that kind of childish crap.

newbreedbrian - 10-24-2006 at 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Discipline
Originally posted by juandiablo
i hate that kind of childish crap.

upyerbum - 10-24-2006 at 04:34 PM

Might as well fuck the other chick now.

godabandonedme - 10-24-2006 at 07:44 PM

Good point. If her thinking I did caused all this mess what the fuck I might as well, at least I'd get laid. Fuck.

godabandonedme - 10-27-2006 at 03:59 AM

I know none of you care about my (or other board members personal lives) but this is getting ridiculous. I don't know what to do here, my girl seriously wants me out of the house. For anyone that doesn't know we've been together for like 8 years (*5 of which she was away at school....hmm) we're not married but just bought a house year, it's in her name but we split the shit. I'm in such a fucking mess because of a bunch of stupid fucking text messages it's really getting out of hand. I get different opinions from everyone, but here: if I act all nice an get roses and crap then it defintily looks like I did something wrong, if I fight back to hard pushing the truth whether she thinks so or not then to her I'm just keeping up the same lie. I'm jammed, any women want to jump in here?

godabandonedme - 10-27-2006 at 04:16 AM

Also, she's going through all my computer shit etc. So, she got even MORE pissed at the post I made saying "Good point. If her thinking I did caused all this mess what the fuck I might as well, at least I'd get laid. Fuck." Unreal, I wish I could sleep.

BDx13 - 10-30-2006 at 12:14 PM

have your friend and his daughter come by with the phone, call the number while the phone is in the room (prooviing it's her number), then explain... "i wouldn't f with my friend's DAUGHTER!"

upyerbum - 10-30-2006 at 12:45 PM

Somehow I missed that this was your friends daughter. I retract my previous statement.

godabandonedme - 10-30-2006 at 01:24 PM

It's beyond that now. This broad seriously ruined my life.

SHAKO KEN - 11-2-2006 at 03:24 AM

fuck her if she won't believe you. keep your dignity. i hate stupid jealousy like that.

edit: she even read this thread so she knows your side of it and that it's not just some story you're trying to sell to her. fuck that.

godabandonedme - 11-5-2006 at 05:03 AM

Ken, explain that to her. In her mind, I might have just typed this thread to make it look like she never would have thought to read this so that would make it look like I really didn't do anything and that was my plan all the time. It got to the point where this all calmed down a little bit, then I get another frantic call because my girl must have called her number again and the girl has a song as a ring and this song (rap song) was about a guy cheating so of course she went nuts thinking that this girl put this ring on there because of me and oh my god it scares me even typing and reading get the point. IN FUCKING SANE.