I go to see if a store near me has it today. I thought this was released next week. They had a 2 hour behind the scenes thing on the new record on I
think VH1 classic last night.
Each aspect of the soul has it's own part to play, but the ideal is harmonious agreement with reason and control.
I didnt think it was out yet either. I'm watching the Foo documentary right now.
Originally posted by REV.PAULIE
HONUS-as much as i can't stand a great deal of what you really like (for my own reasons that i would never hold,nor impose,against you),YOU FUCKING
Ok, I'm up to track 7 I think and I'm kind of disappointed so far. White Limo is awesome, but I expected more tracks that sound like that and nothing
is that rockin or metal so far.
Originally posted by REV.PAULIE
HONUS-as much as i can't stand a great deal of what you really like (for my own reasons that i would never hold,nor impose,against you),YOU FUCKING
4th song is White Limo and like Honus said, none of the other songs, so far, are like it.
5th song has a little Nickelback in it.
i have to say that it sounds amazing from a production standpoint.
i think he insisted on all analog for the album.
6th song is really mainstreamish.
7th song sounds like 80s and the hook could easily go in a commercial or a movie trailer.
8th song, little RATM/Soundgarden in the beginning, real riffy and accesible melody, rhythmic breakdowns.
9th song has some AIC/GNR in the beginning, kinda Tom Petty in the verses, and more 80s-ish vibes, very hooky.
10th song is super chill, Pink Floyd ish on the hook, then goes into a jazzy lounge kind a sound, picks up speed, gets more intense, sounds like there
could've been an orchestra on this song, might be about Courtney Love.
Last song starts out like U2, very anthemic, then breaks into a Cars like vibe and chorus is standard foo, hearing some Springsteen.
and that's it.
that's my real time, buzz induced review of the new foo.
this album will be very successful because it's very accessible.
if yer lookin' for an album of White Limo, look elsewhere.
I'm just bummed because I felt like it was promoted as being an album of White Limo. Oh well.... Still have a lot of respect for Dave & Im glad Pat is
Originally posted by REV.PAULIE
HONUS-as much as i can't stand a great deal of what you really like (for my own reasons that i would never hold,nor impose,against you),YOU FUCKING
Originally posted by MQ74
they have like 2 catchy songs per record.
check out Them Crooked Vultures
Josh Homme
John Paul Jones
other peeps.
i really want to like that record....everything about it sounds like it should be good...but I can't. Of everything josh has done it's been my least
favorite. I can't find anything I don't like about qotsa though; other than that stupid fucking name. I refused to listen to them for years because I
was narrowminded about their name. Got into many "queers of the stone age"drunken arguments with friends. But then I listened. And understood.
I checked out Them Crooked Vultures a while ago. I also thought it sounded like it would be a cool project but I didnt like any of the songs I heard.
QOTSA is decent though.
Finally jammed the entire record a few times. This release is very good. I am sicked about the tour as well. CLEVELAND OHIO on September 20th. This
band does no wrong in my book.
Each aspect of the soul has it's own part to play, but the ideal is harmonious agreement with reason and control.
what did you think? I have to say I forgot the song, but there is a song on this cd where I got fucking excited for the guitar solo. Hasn't happened
since first hearing SLAYER. I can' texplain but this particular song is good but it builds into a solo where your like FUCK YA! THAT JAMS!
Each aspect of the soul has it's own part to play, but the ideal is harmonious agreement with reason and control.